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consumer resistance resource
DIY•wiki : consumer resistance resource — compiled by D.Stall, born Mid-century modern (mid '50s)
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The Costs of Doing It Yourself
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Timeline of the Best Afros | Diana Ross (1975)
HEGE (hey-guh) is a mnemonic device for remembering the MOD•wiki informational portals (or rabbit holes) that open into —

Falling into the rabbit hole
Various periods of time within later modernity have had their fads and slang. With the introduction and rise of "smart" phones, text abbreviations have become all the rage, and now everyone's communicating not just in slang, but in acronyms formed from the first letter of each word in a phrase — LOL (laughing out loud) being one of the most ubiquitous.
So, I've coined an acronym for MOD•wiki — HEGE (hey-guh), formed from the first letter of the title of each series of entries, or portals on MOD•wiki —
• H—umanity
• E—conomy
• G—overnment
• E—nvironment
And so, onward! HEGE!
Through The Looking Glass of MOD•wiki...
Start here — Modernity

A Hippie painted Volkswagen Beetle

Flower power was a slogan used during the late 1960s and early 1970s as a symbol of passive resistance and nonviolence

Cotton fabric, late 1960s (USA)
Questions? Suggestions? Comments? Thoughts? Ideas? Information submittals? —
Email : mod [at]
MOD•wiki is free to view as it unfolds. Sooner or later, the HEGE Series rabbit holes will close, becoming pay per view only, for non-profit benefit.
So, enjoy free access while it lasts!
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Nothing on this site is copyrighted. Copyrighted materials used on this site fall under the Fair Use provision of US Copyright law. Materials are only used for educational purposes, which has no negative effect on the current market of such materials, but conversely may have positive effect of spawning interest from which sales may increase.
MediaWiki software is open source, and therefore free to use, making it all the more wonderful; if only all technology were as non-mercenary and benign. Wikis are brilliantly advantagous as writing tools, helping to organize volumes of information, thoughts and ideas for greater clarity of comprehension, thereby lending the possibility of eventually writing and publishing a book based upon the content. Stay tuned for notice of such possible forthcoming volume!