
From DIY•wiki: the consumer resistance
Revision as of 09:47, 19 September 2023 by DStall (talk | contribs)

Forget Ironing. Do This to Get Rid of Clothing Wrinkles Fast

Propane — most enviro-friendly heating source
Portable Heaters for Firefighters in Enclosed Spaces
Home Depot


Are those magic sponges terrible for the environment?
Make your own Magic Eraser for 10 cents

How to freeze food without plastic

Is Wax Paper Bad for the Environment?
Alternative - soybean wax paper, standard parchment paper (silicone free)

How do I fend off freezer burn without using plastic?
Alternative - 100% recycled foil, glass containers

Reusable Beeswax Food Bags

Sustainable Cooking: Is Parchment Paper Biodegradable?

If You Care aluminum foil - 100% recycled

Square Ball canning or storage latch jars
Stainless steel latch containers