HEGE Series
'We Curse Christianity Three Times a Day': Can Jews and Christians Truly Reconcile?
Monseñor Dr. Rafael Rodríguez Guillén
Antichrist in the Vatican |
The Vatican’s Mafia |
Interview with Monsignor Rafael Rodriguez Guillen | YouTube
This Is Where the Word 'Easter' Comes From
Beyond Ishtar: The Tradition of Eggs at Easter
The modern myth of the Easter bunny
The pagan roots of Easter
Non-christians are always trying to prove Christianity to be nothing but a religious usurper and coopter of cultural customs, while being blind to the new understanding of those customs and symbols brought by Christianity. To begin with, some of the symbols just aren't even true, like the Easter bunny.
Archimandrite Athansios Mitilinaios
Archimandrite Athansios stated in his lectures on Revelation that there would be no other civilization after “western” (western European) civilization, that The Beast (Antichrist) would arise from within western civilization, preceded by many types of antichrist before that (e.g. fascists, Bolsheviks, communists, globalists — totalitarians one and all).
See — Archimandrite Athansios Mitilinaios
Traditional Christianity (Orthodoxy) in the West
Western Christendom (Church Tradition) before Roman Catholicism
Apostolic Age — 27-100
Conversion of Paul the Apostle — 33-36
Church of Rome — probably established by early 40s
St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans — 55-57
Saint Peter the Apostle — became associated with Church of Rome 58-60
First Martyrs of the Church of Rome (Nero’s persecution) — 64
Crucifixion of St. Peter — 64
Ancient church councils (pre-ecumenical) — 155-314
Great Church — 180-313
Constantine the Great and Christianity — 306-337
Battle of the Milvian Bridge (In hoc signo vinces) — 312
Edict of Milan — 313 Constantine offically becomes a Christian
First Council of Nicaea (Nicean Creed) — 325
Western Apostasy from Church Tradition
See — Fr. John Strickland
Theological differences between the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church
Catholic–Eastern Orthodox relations
Catholic POV —
Eastern Orthodoxy
The Eastern Schism
The Orthodox Schism
The Eastern Orthodox Schism
Modernity (western civilization) is the legacy of western Christendom of western Europe.
Modern western secular humanism is the remains of the crumbling ruins of western Christendom.
Roman Catholic commodification of grace and commodification of forgiveness — precursor to capitalist commodification of all Creation
Purgatorial culture — acts (works) become salvific...transactional, institutionalized, legalistic
Papal Reformational Christianity (“Roman Catholicism”) — Rome's Apostasy from Church Tradition New Rome — 330 beginning of decline (See — Mystery of Lawlessness) * Continuing to present day within Heterodoxy (both Protestantism and Catholicism) * Augustine of Hippo — 354-430 ...Created notion of seculaeum (secular) * Augustinianism — 700s-present ...Western (latin) Christian faith becomes dependent primarily, if not exclusively, on writings of Augustine and proceeds to distinguish itself from the Byzantine east, claiming itself alone as representative of original Christian tradition * Scholasticism — 787-1200s ...Changed understanding of grace from the uncreated Divine energies of God to created, said not to be a “thing”, but “a personal mode of being, being-in-another, life in God”, which sounds like typical Scholastic gibberish trying to calculate how many angels can sit on the head of a pin See — The Scholastic Paradox Carolingian (Frankish) renaissance — 700s-800s Frankish Papacy — 756 to 857 Coronation of the Holy Roman Emperor (Charlemagne) by the pope — 800 ...Neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire, because all the while the legitimate Roman emperor is ruling from Constantinople * Filioque (change to Nicean Creed of 325) — 800s ...changed the Church's Pneumatology and thereby the Church of Rome herself, as the Holy Spirit is the Person of the Holy Trinity by which the Church was formed on Pentecost See — The Filioque: Truth or Trivia? The Procession of the Holy Spirit Franks, Romans, Feudalism and Doctrine — Fr. John Romanides ...Another most devastating result of the Augustinian presuppositions of the Filioque is the destruction of the prophetic and apostolic understanding of grace and its replacement with the whole system of created graces distributed in Latin Christendom by the hocus pocus of the clergy. Oecumenical Grace: Roman Catholicism and Created Grace ...“Because nominalism could conceive of no real contact between the creature and the Creator,” Mœller and Philips explain [in The Theology of Grace: And the Oecumenical Movement 1961], “it presented the habitus as an intermediate being, a separate entity in itself, possessed by man apart from the influence of grace” (p. 21). Martin Luther saw this nominalist reification of created grace as intrinsically Pelagian and rightly protested. Salvation requires that we commune with God, not with a created object. Ottonian renaissance — 900s-1000s Saeculum obscurum (Pornocracy or Rule of the Harlots) — 900s ...Period during first two-thirds of 10th century, following chaos after death of Formosus in 896 which saw 7 or 8 papal elections in as many years; began with installation of Pope Sergius III in 904 and lasted for 60 years until the death of Pope John XII in 964; these popes were influenced strongly by a powerful and allegedly corrupt aristocratic family, the Theophylacti, and their relatives and allies. Beginning of Western Reformational Christianity (Heterodoxy) — Papal Reformational Christianity (Catholicism) led to later Protestant Reformational Christianity (Protestantism) Papal Reform — 1046–1073 ...The generation after 1050 saw a revolution in the government of the Roman church, which became increasingly independent of both the local Roman nobility and the German emperors. Reformers demanded a stricter separation between clergy and laity and the abolition of clerical marriage and simony. The word papatus, papacy, was first used and the cardinals became a more international body. Great Schism — 1054 ...The incorporation of the episcopate of Carolingian Francia into the Frankish army and its [the episcopacy’s] occupation by military officers, whose duty was to pacify the revolutionary Gallo-Roman population, is the key to understanding the so-called Great Schism between Roman and Latin Christendoms. (Fr. John Romanides) * Satisfaction theory of atonement (Penal substitution) — 1094-1098 Anselm of Canterbury (Cur Deus Homo) ...Changed atonement as taught in The Church; replaced original Ransom theory of atonement (Christus Victor) with penal substitution Crusades — 1095-1291 12th century Renaissance — 1100s Sack of Constantinople — 1204 Duns Scotus — 1265-1308 ...argued against Divine illumination (that the process of human thought needs to be aided by divine grace), and defended the Immaculate Conception of Mary (that Mary herself was conceived without sin); believed that because God gave humans reason, humans must be capable of saying something about God, and that humans can only understand God if we share his mode of being, so God must ‘exist’ on the level of material being; while being above all created things, nevertheless God still ‘belonged to the same order or type of existence as his creation’ Petrarch — 1304-1374 precursor of Humanism Avignon Papacy (Frankish Popes) — 1309-1376 Papal Schism — 1378 Colonial Imperialism — 1300s-1900s Spanish Inquisition — 1478-1834 Renaissance (Italian) — 1400s-1500s Humanism — ...Advanced during the Renaissance (continuing to present day as western Secularism) House of Medici House of Borgia Spanish Requerimiento — 1513 Protestant Reformation (History of Protestantism) — 1500s Counter-Reformation — 1545-1563 Wars of Western Religion — 1500s-1700s Age of Enlightenment — 1600s-1700s Romantic Era — 1775-1850 Urban Industrialization — 1850s-present Immaculate Conception formal dogmatic definition — 1854 Pastor aeternus (Papal infallibility) formal dogmatic definition — 1870 World War I — 1914-1918 World War II — 1939-1945 Cold War — Post WWII 1945-1989 Globalism (Liberal hegemony, Economic imperialism) — 1989-present Collapse of Babylon (and its Amoral (Immoral) Economy) — ? Appearance of Antichrist — ? Battle of Armageddon — ? Parousia — ? Final Judgement — ? Κύριε ελέησον! Kýrie eléison! Lord have mercy!