Exulanten (Exiles)

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Best site on German history, especially history of both World Wars which have defined Modernity
Exulanten — author Linda (Sieglinde) Schaitberger (1945-2013) descended from Protestants exiled from Salzburg in 1732
Sieglinde | Wikipedia
Dedication | Exulanten.com
Recommended Readings | Exulanten.com

The following is a Sitemap for Exulanten.com, which is otherwise difficult to navigate —


HYSTERIA: The Precursor
Anti-German Hysteria
— “The seeds of World War One and Two were not nurtured amid lofty principles of liberty, religious freedom or from a need to topple cruel despots. It was a conflict conceived in smoke-filled board rooms, political offices, stock exchanges and banks on both sides of the Atlantic and carried to term by various parties who stood to gain politically or financially.
Birthed into the waiting arms of jealousy, politics and greed, it was a banal, vile creation, an artificially inseminated monster that maimed and murdered a generation of young men and laid a direct pathway to another war.
To achieve this goal, motivations and villains had to be artificially crafted [propagandized].
What ensued was the largest ethnic assault in human history.”
Section One
The German Empire
   The Inspiration
   Silesia and the Sudetenland
      German Castles
The Habsburgs
   The Holy Roman Empire
   The Habsburgs
   Franz Josef; Sisi
      More on Sisi
      Katherine Schratt
      Wild Geese & Irishmen
   Maximilian of Mexico
The Pre-Hysteria German Image [**important read!**]
   Early German Immigration to USA
      Dr. Benjamin Rush
      Descriptions of Suffering
      Zenger and Indentured Servitude
      The Cajuns
      The Palantines of South Carolina
      The Salzburgers
   Germans in the American Revolution
      General von Steuben
      A Family of Patriots
      The Hessians
      A Sword Story
   Mid-19th Century Immigration
      Appalling Calamities
      The Texas Germans
      Heinrich Hoffmann v. Fallersleben
      St. Louis Germans
   German Americans in the Civil War
      New York Germans go off to War
      Medal of Honor
      The Camp Jackson Riot
      Heros von Borcke and other German Confederates
      Confederates in Mexico; Matthew Maury
      Freethinkers and the Texas Nueces Massacre
      Soldier Stories
      Schurz: Plea for Amnesty 1872
   Before They Sprouted Horns
   — “The German people in our modern media have been alternately portrayed as silly, clumsy, beer- bellied fools or mad scientists and evil warlords. They vie with Arabs for first place as the Saturday cartoon version of the arch enemy of mankind... their "guttural" accent alone enough to trigger fear and loathing. This conditioning started long before the National Socialists [Nazis], however. It began almost a century ago and only took a few months to engineer. It is difficult to believe that there was actually a time when the German popular image was not only otherwise, but completely the opposite. It was very good and very old, going back, as we have seen, to the American Revolution.”
      Stephen Foster and Four Part Harmony
      Beer Gartens
      Christmas Tree Ship
      The General Slocum
      The 99 Day King
Section Two
The New Kid in Town
Hidden Motives [**important read!**]
   Motives By Land
   Motives By Sea
      Die Hanse
      First German Navy
      Some old ships
      The German Greyhounds
      The Zeppelin
      More on the Navy
      Prince Heinrich of Prussia
      German Nationalism
Creating War
   The United States of Greater Austria
   The Truth about poor little Serbia
   Racmackers & Muckrackers
   Mata Hari and Edith Cavell
   Events Continued
      Black Tom
      Fathers and Sons
      The Banksters and the Fed
      Ford's peace ship
         The Blockade and Attempted Starvation of Germany
         A History of the Blockade of Germany and of the countries associated with her in the Great War: Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey
The Excuses
   The Kaiser's Pirates
   The Ordinary Version
   In His Own Words 1
   In His Own Words 2
   Urging Caution
   Zimmermann Note
   Sussex Pledge
   Germany's Words
Birth of the Hun [**important read!**]
   The Hun Gonna Steal Yer Farm!
   Typical Propaganda for Kids
   I Didn't Raise my Son to be a Soldier
   Corpse factories
   British Propaganda
   War propaganda movies
   Our “impartial” Observers
   Britain‘s “impartial” Observers
Suspending the Constitution
   Boys in the Band
   The Feds — Internment of German-Americans
   ‘Fighting Bob’ La Follette
   George Norris Speech
   True Sons — African Americans — Minorities
   Harry Elmer Barnes
   Jane Addams
   Helen Keller
   Debs, O‘Hare, Reed
   Randolph Bourne
Our Destroyed Heritage [**important read!**]
   The Violence
      The Hanging of Robert Prager
      The Intimidation of the Innocent
      “Orgies of Ruthlessness”
      Hate Goes Global: Tea and a Flogging
   Creating the Self Hating German
   Goodbye Sauerkraut
All The Brave Young Men
   The Blue Max
   War Dogs
   Poison Gas
The End Game
   The End of the Empires
   The Roaring Twenties
      Shall we Hang the Kaiser?
         Hang the Kaiser! But for What, and Would It Be Justice?
      Old Spinmasters never die
      What is still ok to hate?
      The War as presented in Childrens Books (sick and twisted!!)


HELL: The Aftermath
The Physical and Cultural Destruction of Germany
The World War Two Allied Bombing Campaign
   Overview of the Bombing Campaign
   Bombing Hell of German Cities
The Expulsions and Refugees in Several Parts
   The Expulsion and Extermination of Eastern European Germans
   East Prussia
      Prussia: A Brief Background
      A Background of Pomerania
   Oder Neisse
      Background until World War Two
      Not Lost but Cut in Two
      A Song to Die For
      The Sinner‘s Bell
      Background of the Sudetenland until World War Two
      An Account of the German expulsion from Neutitschein
      Original Place Names
   The Brunn Death March
      Background until World War Two
         Gregor Mendel
   More Expulsions
      Sources: Expulsions and Refugees
Other Consequences of War
   The Human Problem
      The Women
   The Plundering of Germany
      Plunder Continued
         The Teacup in a Tempest
         Treasures of the House of Hesse
         The American Protectors & German War Art
         Das Hildebrandslied
         Chivalry is not Dead
         Discovered Marvels
         “Project Paperclip”
         The Great Patents Heist
   The Book Burnings: Selective Censorship
   The Destruction of German Monuments
      Brandenburg Gate
      Kaiser Wilhelm Monuments
   The Sorry Fate of German POWs
      In the East: Grim conditions under the Reds
      American and British Death Camps For Germans & Others
      Using German POWs for Dangerous and Deadly Work