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SeeConsumerism, American Foundations, Love of Money, The System, Christmas

Reign of Quantity — René Guenon

In Tibet, China preaches the material over the spiritual

Money Can’t Buy Everything | Ecumenical Patriarchate

William Blake

To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour
A Robin Redbreast in a Cage
Puts all Heaven in a Rage....
— William Blake, Auguries of Innocence

I must create a system or be enslaved by another mans; I will not reason and compare: my business is to create.
— William Blake, Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant Albion | Wikisource

If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.
— William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell | Wikisource

Jerusalem - Unofficial Anthem of England | YouTube — WikipediaDark Satanic Mills

Though not a Traditional Christian (Orthodox) by any means, Blake was apparently a rebel against the juridical legalism of Western “christian” little "o" orthodoxy and its predominant view of a sadistic, angry god and the dualism that engenders. Despite his highly unorthodox views compared to such heterodoxy (and perhaps because of them), William Blake as a product of his time was prescient in his prophetic vision of the “American Dream” as an immediate materialistic aspiration.
Within that leftist ideal (not rightist, conservative monarchist, to the irony and disrepute of right wing Republican Partiers) lay the seed for The System of “The American Dream”, otherwise known as “The American Way”, which was spawned by the Civil War, and came into puberty post World War II and grew into adulthood in the late 20th century into a global phenomenon hellbent on hegemony over all Earth, and outer space as well.
It is from this Western, American “System” of exploitative consumer Capitalism (the Whore of Babylon), that The Beast is prophesied to arise, who will deceitfully manipulate humanity into an egotistical megalomaniacal, tyrannical totalitarianism of depths hitherto unknown that will usher in the end of days, the end of time.

Christianity & the Environment: Rev. Dr. Michael James Oleksa | YouTube 13 Mar 2017 — see references to “monster”
PROBE — Transcripts: The Monster Slayer, Part I - IV 1962


William Blake BBC | YouTube
America (1793) | YouTube
A Visual Commentary on Blake’s America: a Prophecy, by Jacob Rabinowitz The Fall of Humanity into Materialism
...Blake shows his awareness that revolution is a desperate expedient, not a splendid adventure, and brings consequences as terrible as what it opposes....
The message is that revolutionary reprisal may dethrone a tyrant but does not by itself establish liberty. The anguished woman with children to the right are naked to symbolize society liberated of all constraints, but the result is new vulnerability, fear and misery....
[R]evolutionary forces can finally become part of a new oppressive establishment distinguished from the old in name alone....
Though Blake provides in this book beautiful and stirring emblems of revolt, he is keenly alive to the horrors of war and the destructiveness of revolution....
The woman seems to have a dawning awareness that the promised utopia is not so simple as described....The man is instructed by spirits who point to the skies: perhaps suggesting that the male understanding of revolution is more abstract and less concerned with the human cost....
[H]ere we have a grand panorama of the revolution as it would have appeared to the most enthusiastic of the Americans, a leftist last judgment....
America is a symbol of liberty for Blake, but liberty understood in very physical terms. Blake intuited, it seems, that “the American Dream” was a very right-now and materialistic one.

William Blake and the Apocalypse, by Christopher Rowland
Blake, in a fantastic rebuttal of everything that is our world today, said, “That which is comprehensible to an Idiot is not worth my care”
— Bruce Dickinson rock musician speaking at the Unveiling of a Gravestone to William Blake (‘APOCALYPSE’), 12th August, 2018
The supposed failure of the prophecy of Nineveh’s demise obviously came about because the people of Nineveh repented. This gets to the heart of what prophecy was for Blake. It is not primarily about prediction but the assertion of insight and warning, setting out the situation as it is and getting a response.
The distinction between prophecy as “forth telling” (roughly speaking, pronouncing the truth about society and individuals) and “foretelling” (predicting that which is to come in the future) is important and is needed to complement the variety of prophetic activity in the modern period, and indeed at other times. Blake is to be categorized more as a “forth teller.” Prophecy is important and the prerogative of every one. “Every honest man is a Prophet” (Annotations to Watson’s Apology). Indeed, “the voice of honest indignation is the voice of God” (Marriage of Heaven and Hell).
Even that apparently most future orientated text, Revelation, is in Blake’s interpretation more about laying bare the realities of history and political oppression than offering a map of the end of the world. In its visions, its threats and promises, and its graphic imagery, it sets forth the reality of what is going on in the world and the pervasiveness of human self-deception, and summons its readers/hearers to change their outlook and practice. It is, to paraphrase Blake’s own words, about “cleansing the doors of perception” (Marriage of Heaven and Hell)....
Babylon represents, among other things, Moral Virtue – again, showing how Blake explored and exposed – ‘revealed’ – the profound allegories of the Bible, restoring them to their true, radical nature. Moral virtue in this world is a whore – rented out to justify war, and painted up to seem noble and holy, whereas it’s simply a face for self-righteous power plays...
Blake engages with Milton, from his very first reference to the poet in The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, which starts with a manifesto against the effects of a dualism that reduces Christianity to a religion of restraint and morality, good and evil, right and wrong. Milton’s Messiah is a stern judge rather than the agent of Spirit and Energy, which end up being identified with the Devil, and characterized as evil.
The Beast of Revelation, after the painting by William Blake, by the Singh Twins