The Thing

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William Cobbett coined the term “the Thing” for the British System that gave rise to the horrors of Industrialism, which is the basis for Kingsnorth's The Machine.
Paul Kingsnorth refers to The Thing manifested in contemporary times as The Machine, which he thinks is assimilating us to itself (like the Borg of Star Trek).
The American Way (The System of Organized Crime, or Deep State) is the specific, proper name for The Machine, which came to supercede The Thing.
Peter Levenda does not think the Deep State is a bunch of men smoking cigars in a back room plotting global rule, but is the effect of what he calls The Phenomenon, which points to something more deeply sinister, something immaterial and spiritual, to the Evil One and his minions whose inspiration (temptations) will eventually give rise to The Beast himself.
Conspiracy theories have run rampant over time, but what such theorists overlook is that no one human or human group is in complete control (not the New World Order, United Nations, Bildeburgers, Freemasons, nor Zionists, Terrorists, etc.). That a bunch of fat, rich, cigar smoking white men could be so organized as to control the world gives too much credit to human hubris. Any and all conspirators are but mere puppets of the Evil One (ha-satan). It is ha-satan and he alone who has concocted The Conspiracy (The Phenomenon) against God and His Creation, especially humanity. Any and all "conspiracies" are nothing but small wheels in ha-satan's big Cog, The Machine. It is ha-satan who runs The Phenomenon, The Conspiracy Show, but it is God who is ultimately in control, who has already defeated ha-satan, his powers and principalities, and is only waiting for the final curtain after the Fat Lady sings. Spiritual and physical battles inspired by ha-satan will continue to wage on, even though he's already lost the war, until the ultimate war (Armageddon) threatens to destroy the Earth.
In relation to The Phenomenon, The American Way (The System of Organized Crime, The Machine, or Deep State) functions by way of Amoral (Immoral) Economy which is none other than the Whore of Babylon who rides The Beast until it manifests itself in human form as the ultimate global totalitarian.
Ultimate manifestation of The Beast has been aided in modern times by The System of Organized Crime (The American Way) from its initial inception after the Civil War (as evidenced by Grant Administration scandals, The Gilded Age, Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression), and by further corruption of The System following World War II with Nazis and more elements of The Occult than already existed in The American Way of life.

SeeCivil War (aka Second American Revolution), The Beast, Totalitarianism, Government, Military-industrial complex, Spying

William Cobbet

William Cobbett | Wikipedia
The revenge of ‘the Thing’
William Cobbett on the dangers posed by the “Paper Aristocracy” (1804)
My hero: William Cobbett by Richard Ingrams
William Cobbett: a champion of the rural poor and the reform of Parliament | YouTube

William Cobbett and the Politics of System
For Cobbett as for his contemporary William Blake, system was a powerful and potentially oppressive means of ordering the world.

William Cobbett | Wikiquote
[Cobbett] savaged the [British] political establishment, which he memorably dubbed ‘the Thing', ranting against its corruption, sinecures and jobbery. The National Debt, vastly swollen by the war [against France], was another of his bugbears. His analysis was perceptive. In truth historians have only recently caught up with him, and instead of myopically studying the minute and unimportant differences between Whig and Tory, they have turned their attention to anatomising the 18th-century military-fiscal state, aka ‘the Thing’.
Another great evil arising from this desire to be thought rich; or rather, from the desire not to be thought poor, is the destructive thing which has been honoured by the name of “speculation” [e.g. Wall Street]; but which ought to be called Gambling. — William Cobbett, Advice to Young Men (1829), Letter 2


Coalbrookdale | Wikipedia

The Addams Family

Thing can be thought of as an icon of Adam Smith's Invisible hand

The Best of Thing Addams | YouTube
The Addams Family Opening Credits and Theme Song | YouTube

Thing (The Addams Family) | Wikipedia 
Thing was originally conceived as a whole creature (always seen in the background watching the family) that was too horrible to see in person. The only part of it that was tolerable was its human hand.
The Addams' called it "Thing" because it was something that could not be identified.
Thing—strictly speaking, a disembodied forearm, since it occasionally emerged from its box at near-elbow length.

Adam Smith's Invisible Hand

Adam Smith] | Wikipedia
Invisible hand | Wikipedia

Adam Smith's Invisible Hand
Invisible Hand | Investopedia
Invisible Hand | CFI Corporate Finance Institute
The Invisible Hand Is Invisible Because It Isn’t There| TruthOut
Adam Smith and the Invisible Hand | Emma Rothschild

On Revisiting the Invisible Hand Theorem
The arguments presented in this paper do not call for vehement government interventions nor does it question the arithmetic usefulness of the invisible hand theorem – which is still a mathematical truism. However, behavioral economics cannot avoid the human tendencies operating in the market or for that matter, statistically proven situations on how combined individual interests may not always be in the interests of the society. While Pareto Optimality may indicate a certain state in the allocation of economic resources, it does not make it a sufficient ideal condition for a socially optimal outcome – which is what welfare economics seeks to achieve. Therefore, it would not be wrong in saying that, curtailment of individual freedom, in a certain sense, may lead to a Pareto Optimal outcome with better societal optimality than individuals freely pursuing their rational self-interests – which albeit leading to Pareto Optimality, may not be socially optimal.

Free Market Fundamentalism

Did free market fundamentalism spawn the likes of Donald Trump?
To understand the forces at work, there is perhaps no better source than the work of Karl Polanyi, an Austro-Hungarian political economist who in 1944 published his magnum opus The Great Transformation. His thesis was that the economy was always embedded in society until capitalism arrived on the scene. Capitalism created a market-based society, which tries its level best to disembed the economy from society, insisting instead that society should follow the logic of the markets.... Wrote Polanyi, “the control of the economic system by the market is of overwhelming consequence to the whole organization of society: it means no less than the running of society as an adjunct to the market." But this free-market fundamentalism is a utopian dream. People are not willing to be treated as commodities, to be used and discarded at the whims of the market.

In other words, Capitalism means the commodification of humanity, of human labor, the treatment of humanity as if humanity is created for the economy, instead of the economy being created for the benefit of humanity.

The Cult of the Market: Economic Fundamentalism and its Discontents
America's Free Market Myths: Debunking Market Fundamentalism
The Power of Market Fundamentalism Karl Polanyi’s Critique

The God that Failed: Free Market Fundamentalism and the Lehman Bankruptcy
The Right’s Retreat from Market Fundamentalism
— Unfortunately, this only comes after many decades of heaping destructive fundamentalist "economics" on American citizens, perpetrated through propagandic constituency gathering of "free market" ditto-head and useful idiot (or as Dr. Albert E. Burke referred to them - ignoramus) puppets

Religious and Free-Market Fundamentalism Have More in Common Than Their Fans in the Tea Party
Free market | RationalWiki
Market fundamentalism | Wikipedia
Free Market Fundamentalism News and Articles
Market Fundamentalism
The Free-Market-Fundamentalist Menace
Ending the Myth of "Market Fundamentalism"
George Soros: Beware Market Fundamentalism
There’s No Such Thing as “Market Fundamentalism”
The long shadow of market fundamentalism
Who Is the Real Market Fundamentalist?
American Compass: Economics with People Included
Real Conservative Economics vs. Free Market Fundamentalism
Moving Beyond Market Fundamentalism to a More Balanced Economy
When market fundamentalism and industrial policy collide: the Tea Party and the US Export–Import Bank
Covid-19 is exposing market fundamentalism’s many moral and practical flaws
COVID-19 and the Death of Market Fundamentalism
The NANOE Innovation: Is the Nonprofit Sector Anti-Free Market?
Market Fundamentalism | Comparative Studies 1100: Introduction to the Humanities, Spring 2020

The Freeport Society

The Freeport Society is exemplary of free market fundamentalism — “free port” as in Free economic zone, an area in a foreign country with low to no taxation, to which free market fundamentalists are drawn like flies to dung.

The Freeport Society: Free Minds, Free Speech, Free Markets
— These are the things that made America the greatest country in history. These are the ideals The Freeport Society embodies and espouses. These are what members will leverage to grow their portfolios and preserve their freedom. About The Freeport Society
— The Freeport Society is an alliance of free thinkers and truth sayers. We believe that free minds, free speech, free enterprise, and free markets made America the greatest country in history. We advocate a return to those ideals.

“The Last Republican President”
— Typical free market fundamentalist fear mongering by Louis Navellier, and despite claims to not cozying up to one party or the other, this droll shows how rightist The Freeport Society actually is.

The Big Myth (Big Lie)

SeeIndividualism, American Dream

Big Lie (große Lüge) | Wikipedia
— German elites are not originators of the Big Lie, rather their version was based on the essential leadership secret of English elitists, just as German eugenics was indebted to English eugenics. The historical record documents the arrogant elitism of English elites, whose adherence to their notion of destiny to rule other peoples (White Man’s Burden) has historically been their excuse for subjugating other humans and treating them as subhuman.
The English elite, if not outright progenitors, are “perfectors” of many to most modern things diabolical, including not only the Big Lie and eugenics, but also English Moral Philosophy, Utilitarianism, Industrialism and Colonialism.
But like Teflon Reagan, nothing sticks to English elites, all of whose dirty deeds are deflected by sleight of hand and propaganda in order to be scapegoated onto others, especially anything German.
As St. Paul taught the Romans, all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god. There is not any group of people who represent godliness and others who are evil, just as there is not one political party representing godliness and the other evil.
All of humanity has the capacity for evil doing, and all has done evil to one extent or the other. There is not lesser and greater evil, only the same fallen condition of all humanity, which puts everyone in the same boat, in need of a Divine King of kings to put everyone in their proper place as subject to God.

Book Review | The Big Myth: How American Business Taught Us to Loathe Government and Love the Free Market by Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway
An Exploration of Market Fundamentalism by the Authors of ‘Merchants of Doubt’
— “Like other types of fundamentalism, market fundamentalism bows beneath the weight of its many contradictions. The assumption that business can do no wrong and government no right has contributed to making the United States fabulously wealthy for the few and destructively unequal for many. In terms of life expectancy, health, education, and overall quality of existence, the United States trails behind much poorer countries. The intellectual proponents and cheerleaders for market fundamentalism as the only possible capitalist arrangement either didn’t recognize, or chose to ignore, that under regulated markets can be as tyrannical as a dictatorship.”

Exposing the Big "Free Market" Myth with Author Naomi Oreskes
Oreskes, author of "Merchants of Doubt," discussed consequences of businesses pushing “free market” ideology and changes needed for markets to serve rather than impede democracy.

“Serve” — what a novel concept!, initiated in the year 0 AD, evident in Orthodox Christian theology of kenosis (self emptying, other oriented) and the Holy Unmercenaries who put kenosis into action.
The manipulative Big Lie of the “Market” (Whore of Babylon) is that it unmercenarily serves the needs of humanity, when in fact it mercenarily serves none other than the plutocratic few who are, rather than Lovers of God (and therefore humanity and all creation), instead the greatest of idolaters, lovers of mammon (materialism, material things, money as political power).

The Thing (1982 film)

"Thing"(s) are not as they appear to be.

The Thing (1982 film) | Wikipedia
[T]he story of a group of American researchers in Antarctica who encounter the eponymous "Thing", a parasitic extraterrestrial life-form that assimilates, then imitates, other organisms. The group is overcome by paranoia and conflict as they learn that they can no longer trust each other and that any of them could be the Thing.