Christian Apologetics: Difference between revisions

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— “The Holocaust is not only at the head of the taboo subjects, but arguably a <mark>secular religion</mark>, concerning which <mark>no adverse comment at all is allowed</mark>. One can pour scorn on the Catholic Church and very little by way of criticism will be said. Mount an attack on Western civilization generally and the cognoscenti will likely praise you. Try saying that the value of a society should be judged in terms of how it treats the most vulnerable, those in the womb and the elderly and infirm, and you will be floored by the abortion crowd and the supporters of euthanasia.... However, if you dare to say a single word casting the slightest doubt on any aspect of the Holocaust story, you will be immediately castigated as [a Holocaust denier and] an irreparable anti-Semite [reprobate] and subjected in many countries to criminal sanctions, loss of employment, and social scorn.<br>
— “The Holocaust is not only at the head of the taboo subjects, but arguably a <mark>secular religion</mark>, concerning which <mark>no adverse comment at all is allowed</mark>. One can pour scorn on the Catholic Church and very little by way of criticism will be said. Mount an attack on Western civilization generally and the cognoscenti will likely praise you. Try saying that the value of a society should be judged in terms of how it treats the most vulnerable, those in the womb and the elderly and infirm, and you will be floored by the abortion crowd and the supporters of euthanasia.... However, if you dare to say a single word casting the slightest doubt on any aspect of the Holocaust story, you will be immediately castigated as [a Holocaust denier and] an irreparable anti-Semite [reprobate] and subjected in many countries to criminal sanctions, loss of employment, and social scorn.<br>
[Holocaust “museums” have been built in the US capitol, every major US city, and around the globe.] Coverage of the Holocaust is standard fare in every school curriculum. Children the world over read ''The Diary of Anne Frank, Number the Stars, Waiting for Anya, Butterfly''. Students learn about the gas chambers and the six million, about the Nazi atrocities. We watch Holocaust miniseries on television, ''Schindler’s List'', and ''Night and Fog''. We celebrate “Holocaust Education Week,” and we acknowledge January 27 each year as the “International Day of Commemoration” of Holocaust victims, as declared by the UN in 2005. School children collect six million pencils, or six million paperclips. We visit Holocaust museums. We take college courses (for full credit) from endowed chairs in Holocaust studies. This is not by accident. It is a deliberate plan, to make sure we “never forget.” And if we can never forget, then we should at least get the story straight....<br>
[Holocaust “museums” have been built in the US capitol, every major US city, and around the globe.] Coverage of the Holocaust is standard fare in every school curriculum. Children the world over read ''The Diary of Anne Frank, Number the Stars, Waiting for Anya, Butterfly''. Students learn about the gas chambers and the six million, about the Nazi atrocities. We watch Holocaust miniseries on television, ''Schindler’s List'', and ''Night and Fog''. We celebrate “Holocaust Education Week,” and we acknowledge January 27 each year as the “International Day of Commemoration” of Holocaust victims, as declared by the UN in 2005. School children collect six million pencils, or six million paperclips. We visit Holocaust museums. We take college courses (for full credit) from endowed chairs in Holocaust studies. This is not by accident. It is a deliberate plan, to make sure we “never forget.” And if we can never forget, then we should at least get the story straight....<br>
[ ''See'' — [[Propaganda]] ]<br>
Anti-Semitism is a racial concept, in the sense of hatred of the Jews because of immutable and ineradicable racial characteristics. This is utterly wrong and something that has always been repudiated by the Church. However, it is necessary for a Christian, in view of the belief of that faith in the divinity of Jesus Christ, to be anti-Jewish in the sense of opposing beliefs and actions of Jews which operate as a consequence of the Jewish rejection of Christ.... The Jews rejected the fundamental basis of the universe when they rejected the Messiah because as St. John writes about the Son of God at the beginning of the fourth Gospel, “In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God.” In rejecting the Second Person of the Trinity, the Jews reject order and redemption. The Jews reject their Messiah and turn instead to anti-Christian revolutionary movements. If Logos is indeed the fundamental basis of the universe, then the logos of practical reason known as morality should determine human behavior. This truth was lost on the Jews who ran the Manhattan Project, because the Jewish revolutionary spirit, manifested as Communism at the time, was in fundamental rebellion against the order of the universe that Werner Heisenberg discovered by reading Greek to determine whether to create an atomic bomb.<br>
Anti-Semitism is a racial concept, in the sense of hatred of the Jews because of immutable and ineradicable racial characteristics. This is utterly wrong and something that has always been repudiated by the Church. However, it is necessary for a Christian, in view of the belief of that faith in the divinity of Jesus Christ, to be anti-Jewish in the sense of opposing beliefs and actions of Jews which operate as a consequence of the Jewish rejection of Christ.... The Jews rejected the fundamental basis of the universe when they rejected the Messiah because as St. John writes about the Son of God at the beginning of the fourth Gospel, “In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God.” In rejecting the Second Person of the Trinity, the Jews reject order and redemption. The Jews reject their Messiah and turn instead to anti-Christian revolutionary movements. If Logos is indeed the fundamental basis of the universe, then the logos of practical reason known as morality should determine human behavior. This truth was lost on the Jews who ran the Manhattan Project, because the Jewish revolutionary spirit, manifested as Communism at the time, was in fundamental rebellion against the order of the universe that Werner Heisenberg discovered by reading Greek to determine whether to create an atomic bomb.<br>
[ [ Oppenheimer: Applied Jewish Science] | Culture Wars ]<br>
[ [ Oppenheimer: Applied Jewish Science] | Culture Wars ]<br>
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It is generally accepted now that the Bolshevik Revolution in the Soviet Union was not primarily a Russian Revolution. On the contrary, it was led primarily by a non-Russian, Jewish ethnic minority that abhorred Russians and the Czar for their alleged anti-Semitism. The predominately Jewish nature of Communism and the Bolshevik Revolution has been endorsed by many Jews and Jewish publications. Of the latter, the Encyclopedia Judaica is a notable example:<br>
It is generally accepted now that the Bolshevik Revolution in the Soviet Union was not primarily a Russian Revolution. On the contrary, it was led primarily by a non-Russian, Jewish ethnic minority that abhorred Russians and the Czar for their alleged anti-Semitism. The predominately Jewish nature of Communism and the Bolshevik Revolution has been endorsed by many Jews and Jewish publications. Of the latter, the Encyclopedia Judaica is a notable example:<br>
The Communist movement and ideology played an important part in Jewish life, particularly in the 1920s, 1930s, and during and after World War II... Individual Jews played an important role in the early stages of Bolshevism and the Soviet regime... The great attraction of Communism among Russian, and later also, Western Jewry emerged only with the establishment of the Soviet regime in Russia... Communist trends became widespread in virtually all Jewish communities.”
The Communist movement and ideology played an important part in Jewish life, particularly in the 1920s, 1930s, and during and after World War II... Individual Jews played an important role in the early stages of Bolshevism and the Soviet regime... The great attraction of Communism among Russian, and later also, Western Jewry emerged only with the establishment of the Soviet regime in Russia... Communist trends became widespread in virtually all Jewish communities.”
''See'' — [[Propaganda]]

===Miriam Bodian===
===Miriam Bodian===