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The meaning of “Jew” in this context is clear: a Jew is openly hostile to Christ and willing to persecute those Jews who accept Him as the Messiah. John's mention of “fear of the Jews” indicates that Jews were then afraid of “Jews.” The well-being of the Jews who accepted Christ was threatened by the Jews who rejected him.... The parents of the man born blind exhibit “fear of the Jews” because the “Jews” threaten to expel followers of Jesus, also Jews, from the synagogue. The <mark>identity</mark> of both groups was essentially religious, not ethnic; both <mark>identities</mark> were a function of Christ. The Jews who acknowledged Christ were expelled from the synagogue. The Jews who rejected Him, the people John calls “the Jews,” defined themselves by that rejection.”  
The meaning of “Jew” in this context is clear: a Jew is openly hostile to Christ and willing to persecute those Jews who accept Him as the Messiah. John's mention of “fear of the Jews” indicates that Jews were then afraid of “Jews.” The well-being of the Jews who accepted Christ was threatened by the Jews who rejected him.... The parents of the man born blind exhibit “fear of the Jews” because the “Jews” threaten to expel followers of Jesus, also Jews, from the synagogue. The <mark>identity</mark> of both groups was essentially religious, not ethnic; both <mark>identities</mark> were a function of Christ. The Jews who acknowledged Christ were expelled from the synagogue. The Jews who rejected Him, the people John calls “the Jews,” defined themselves by that rejection.”  

[Therefore, <mark>Christian identity</mark> is with the <mark>Divine image and likeness</mark> as visibly manifested in the Jewish Mashiach (Messiah, Christos, Christ) —Y’shua Ha-Nozri (Jesus the Nazarene), Y’shua Ha-Mashiach (Jesus the Messiah, <mark>Jesus Christ</mark>)— not identity with Palestine, Jerusalem, Temple, and “the Jews”. Christian <mark>identification</mark> with spiritual Divine image and likeness is why Jews blame Christianity as source of all their woes. Jews find such spiritual <mark>identity</mark> threatening to their material <mark>identity</mark> based on DNA (sperm of Abraham), ethnic history, land of Palestine, Jerusalem and Temple — the reason Jews must continually seek to quash Christianity as anti-semitic in order to maintain their well-being rooted in material <mark>Jewish identity</mark>.<br>
[Therefore, <mark>Christian identity</mark> is with the <mark>Divine image and likeness</mark> as visibly manifested in the Jewish Mashiach (Messiah, Christos, Christ) —Y’shua Ha-Nozri (Jesus the Nazarene), Y’shua Ha-Mashiach (Jesus the Messiah, <mark>Jesus Christ</mark>)— not identity with Palestine, Jerusalem, Temple, and “the Jews”. Christian <mark>identification</mark> with <mark>'''spiritual...</mark> Divine image and likeness is why Jews blame Christianity as source of all their woes. Jews find such <mark>'''spiritual''' identity</mark> threatening to their <mark>'''material''' identity</mark> based on DNA (sperm of Abraham), ethnic history, land of Palestine, Jerusalem and Temple — the reason Jews must continually seek to quash Christianity as anti-semitic in order to maintain their well-being rooted in <mark>'''material''' Jewish identity</mark>.<br>
''See'' — [[Identity]] ]
''See'' — [[Identity]] ]