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"Over the last twelve years I have stopped viewing Russia as something very distinct from the West. Today when we say the West we are already referring to the West and to Russia. We could use the word "modernity" if we exclude Africa, and the Islamic world, and partially China. With the exception of those areas we should not use the words "the West" but the word "modernity". The modern world. And yes, then I would say that there are ills that are characteristic, that have plagued the West for a long time and now Russia has quickly adopted them also."
"Over the last twelve years I have stopped viewing Russia as something very distinct from the West. Today when we say the West we are already referring to the West and to Russia. We could use the word "modernity" if we exclude Africa, and the Islamic world, and partially China. With the exception of those areas we should not use the words "the West" but the word "modernity". The modern world. And yes, then I would say that there are ills that are characteristic, that have plagued the West for a long time and now Russia has quickly adopted them also."

"Untouched by the breath of God, unrestricted by human conscience, both capitalism and socialism are repulsive."
"<mark>Untouched by the breath of God, unrestricted by human conscience, both capitalism and socialism are repulsive.</mark>"

"[Modernity}...does make a virtue out of selfishness and Protestantism made a major contribution to this."
"[Modernity}...does make a virtue out of selfishness and Protestantism made a major contribution to this."
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"The thing is that religion itself cannot but be dynamic which is why "return" is an incorrect term. A return to the forms of religion which perhaps existed a couple of centuries ago is absolutely impossible. On the contrary, in order to combat modern materialistic mores, as religion must, to fight nihilism and egotism, religion must also develop, must be flexible in its forms, and it must have a correlation with the cultural forms of the epoch. Religion always remains higher than everyday life. In order to make the elevation towards religion easier for people, religion must be able to alter its forms in relation to the consciousness of modern man."
"The thing is that religion itself cannot but be dynamic which is why "return" is an incorrect term. A return to the forms of religion which perhaps existed a couple of centuries ago is absolutely impossible. On the contrary, in order to combat modern materialistic mores, as religion must, to fight nihilism and egotism, religion must also develop, must be flexible in its forms, and it must have a correlation with the cultural forms of the epoch. Religion always remains higher than everyday life. In order to make the elevation towards religion easier for people, religion must be able to alter its forms in relation to the consciousness of modern man."

"[A]...question peculiar to the Russian Orthodox Church is should we continue to use Old Church Slavonic or should we start to introduce more of the contemporary Russian language into the service. I understand the fears of both those in the Orthodox and in the Catholic Church, the wariness, the hesitation and the fear that this is lowering the Church to the modern condition, the modern surroundings. I understand this fear but alas I also fear that if religion does not allow itself to change it will be impossible to return the world to religion because the world is incapable on its own of rising as high as the old demands of religion. Religion needs to come to meet it somewhat."
"<mark>[A]question peculiar to the Russian Orthodox Church is should we continue to use Old Church Slavonic or should we start to introduce more of the contemporary Russian language into the service. I understand the fears of both those in the Orthodox and in the Catholic Church, the wariness, the hesitation and the fear that this is lowering the Church to the modern condition, the modern surroundings. I understand this fear but alas I also fear that if religion does not allow itself to change it will be impossible to return the world to religion because the world is incapable on its own of rising as high as the old demands of religion. Religion needs to come to meet it somewhat.</mark>"

"Many under an atheistic press, a vice grip, had forgotten their faith so there is now something of a return to Christianity yet simultaneously there is a decay of values which accompanies the rise of consumer society. It is a simultaneous process."
"Many under an atheistic press, a vice grip, had forgotten their faith so there is now something of a return to Christianity yet simultaneously there is a <mark>decay of values which accompanies the rise of consumer society</mark>. It is a simultaneous process."

Pearce:  If Christianity is the will of God and at the same time is destined to perform a minor role in the future of humanity, is this the will of God or is it the result of human free will turning to evil, which God permits?
Pearce:  If Christianity is the will of God and at the same time is destined to perform a minor role in the future of humanity, is this the will of God or is it the result of human free will turning to evil, which God permits?
Solzhenitsyn:  It is a result of the free will of man and one must not detach that from the predictions of the end of the world in the Gospels. In the Scriptures let us note that which predicts the future always talks of the road toward the anti-Christ and not the triumph of God's will.
Solzhenitsyn:  <mark>It is a result of the free will of man and one must not detach that from the predictions of the end of the world in the Gospels. In the Scriptures let us note that which predicts the future always talks of the road toward the anti-Christ and not the triumph of God's will</mark>.

[[Category:Alexander Solzhenitsyn]]
[[Category:Alexander Solzhenitsyn]]