Christian Apologetics: Difference between revisions

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Bodian’s course ought to be entitled “Modern Jewish Propaganda: Accusation of anti-semitism for cultural and political control”.<br>
Bodian’s course ought to be entitled “Modern Jewish Propaganda: Accusation of anti-semitism for cultural and political control”.<br>
Though some Western heterodox innovations in Western Europe do fit the bill of anti-semitism (e.g. the Judan Sow), she essentially argues against Christianity as having distorted Jewish religion.<br>
Though some Western heterodox innovations in Western Europe do fit the bill of anti-semitism (e.g. the Judan Sow), she essentially argues against Christianity as having distorted Jewish religion.<br>
Alfred Edersheim by way of much greater historical depth and inspired interpretation shows otherwise.<br>
[[Christian_Apologetics#Alfred_Edersheim|Alfred Edersheim]] by way of much greater historical depth and inspired interpretation shows otherwise.<br>
Bodian ignores all intemperate and indelicate accusations of Jewish Rabbis against Christians over the centuries as recorded in their Talmud, preferring instead to play pot to kettle’s black.<br>
Bodian ignores all intemperate and indelicate accusations of Jewish Rabbis against Christians over the centuries as recorded in their Talmud, preferring instead to play pot to kettle’s black.<br>
What Bodian doesn’t understand is that anti-semitism, like any form of racial or other hatred, is not Christian, but anti-christian, the sinful product of temptation by the Evil One and his minions, regardless from whence it originates.<br>
What Bodian doesn’t understand is that anti-semitism, like any form of racial or other hatred, is not Christian, but anti-christian, the sinful product of temptation by the Evil One and his minions, regardless from whence it originates.<br>