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the consumer resistance
DIY•wiki : the consumer resistance — compiled by D.Stall, created June 2022
DIY•wiki is resource for The Consumer Resistance against the destruction of all Creation by Modernity.
See — MOD•wiki for more information on Modernity (The American Way), its nature, effects on humanity and the Earth, and the need for The Consumer Resistance.
To join The Consumer Resistance, act on information found here at DIY•wiki.
America is spiritually sick with greed having been built on capitalist profit motive, and has hording disorder which is prevalent in a number of individualistic individual Americans. DIY•wiki does not propose to reform Modernity because the powers that be will not have that, nor is a Revolution advocated. There is no way to outgun a System in which military might like that of the US military is complicit with the plutocratic oligarchy, along with intelligence agencies.
DIY (Do It Yourself) is the heart and primary means of The Consumer Resistance, because DIY is about being productive instead of consumptive. The American Way (aka The System of Organized crime) feeds on the consumption of the many, whom the American ruling class has transmigrated from citizens to consumers after ownership of production was siezed by the few, in order to enrich the few at the expense of the many and the natural world. This American System is corrupt to its core at all levels of government (politics) and business by individuals whose corrupt criminality interfaces with gangsters and gangs, the former placing blame on the latter as “organized crime” in order to deflect attention from their own participation in the one and same corrupt, criminal System. It is government and business that provides the organization to such criminal activity, as gangsters and gangs are not all that organized as the research of Michael Woodiwiss illustrates.
The American Way is actually the way of Capitalism (whose profit motive unregulated by altruism or ethics makes it susceptible to greed, corruption, and cronyism), which is manipulatively and deceitfully marketed as The American Way so as to coat inself in ideals of liberty, freedom, human rights, and free market enterprise. The American Way has been given the byline of “The Highest Standard of Living in the World”, which is so high in fact that it is unsustainable, using up more than the US share of Earth's resources at a much higher rate than anywhere else on the planet. Americans alone (without any 1st, 2nd or 3rd world nations included) with only 5% of the world population exploit 24% of the world‘s energy, meaning it would take nearly 5 Earths in order for all Earthlings to live The American Way, yet that is what USA is exporting and bullying all citizens of the world into buying. The average American consumes 2x a Japanese, 6x a Mexican, 13x a Chinese, 31x an Indian, 128x a Bangladeshi, 307x a Tanzanian, 370x an Ethiopian.
Consumption by the United States
Hungry Planet: Consumption Around the Globe
U.S. Environmental Footprint Factsheets
Use It and Lose It: The Outsize Effect of U.S. Consumption on the Environment
The corrupt capitalist way is American because —
1) USA had a Second American Revolution (Civil War) in which industrial monied powers of the North squashed agrarian monied powers (planters) of the South, thereby instituting a New American Culture of consumerism like nowhere else in the world,
2) USA exited World War I and World War II unscathed to become the industrial global superpower, that continues to hold liberal economic hegemony over the world today,
3) USA is the largest consumer market in the world, with the largest military in the world (and in human history), which itself is a huge consumer market (foreign military bases are like small cities that boost economies of foreign nations),
4) USA is a leader of technological innovation by way of US military, taxpayer funded RAND corporation research and development, R&D from which many to most technological consumer products are created, and because
5) American products, especially entertainment (movies and music) are distributed worldwide and have become a source of foreign emulation of The American Way in nations that have been westernized or that are westernizing.
Do it yourself (DIY) | Wikipedia
DIY | wikiHow
DoItYourself | Twitter
The Costs of Doing It Yourself
In Praise of Repair Culture: Modern life depends on the habit of discarding things. What if we fixed them instead?
Right to repair | Wikipedia
The Repair Association
Jack Bennny — Consumer Resistence Icon
The Jack Benny Program | Wikipedia
What I learned about leadership from my legendary comedian grandfather
Jack Benny – Saving When You Have Nothing
International Dot Day — Celebrate Creativity, Courage & Collaboration!
20 Ideas to Celebrate 20 Years of The Dot
The Dot Central
Like bugs that develop resistence to chemicals with which humans try to eradicate them, consumers need to develop resistance to The System that exploits them and their environment in order to not aid, abet, or participate in that exploitation as much as possible.
DIY•wiki is resource for enabling The Consumer Resistance, not just by way of DIY (production), but also by conserving natural resources and reducing household spending in all forms.not just by way of DIY (production), but also by conserving natural resources and reducing household spending in all forms.
Resistance strategy is to starve The System by refusing to give that on which it feeds — $ MONEY (consumption) — and by deflecting and limiting any and all ways The System seeks to contact, invade privacy, overwhelm, and influence consumers (who were once USA citizens until creation of New American Culture, The American Way of consumer Capitalism.
Email : diy [at]
DIY•wiki is FREE and always will be free, independent, and not yet another moneymaking scheme or schtick that's nothing but a part of The American Way, The System of Organized crime
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