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U.S. Department of Commerce. (2012). Annual estimates of the resident population for incorporated places over 50,000. American FactFinder [web page], United States Census Bureau. Retrieved from

Wade, L. (2013, Jan. 25). Race, rehabilitation, and the private prison industry. The Society Pages [blog], Sociological Images. Retrieved from

Williams, E. (1994). Capitalism & slavery. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.

Winter, C. (2008). What do prisoners make for Victoria’s Secret? Mother Jones, July/August 2008. Retrieved from


Labor History

Boyer, R. O., & Morais, H. M. (1988). Labor’s untold story (3rd ed.). Pittsburgh: United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America.

Foner, P. S. (1975). American labor songs of the nineteenth century. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

Foner, P. S. (1977). History of the labor movement in the United States: Volume III: The policies and practices of the American Federation of Labor, 1900-1909. New York: International Publishers.

Foner, P. S. (1980a). History of the labor movement in the United States: Volume II: From the founding of the A.F. of L. to the emergence of American imperialism (2nd ed.). New York: International Publishers.

Foner, P. S. (1980b). History of the labor movement in the United States: Volume V: The AFL in the progressive era, 1910-1915. New York: International Publishers.

Foner, P. S. (1982). Women and the American Labor Movement. New York: The Free Press.

Fowke, E., & Glazer, J. (Eds.). (1973). Songs of work and protest. New York: Dover Publications.

Greenway, J. (1953). American folksongs of protest. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

Gunning, S. O. (1965). Sarah Ogun Gunning – A girl of constant sorrow. Sharon, CT: Folk-Legacy Records.

ICS World. (2013, February 20). Strike and labor unrest. ICS World website. Retrieved from

Kornbluh, J. L. (Ed.). (1972). Rebel voices: An I. W. W. Anthology. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.

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Lomax, A., Guthrie, W., & Seeger, P. (Eds.). (1967). Hard hitting songs for hard-hit people. New York: Oak Publications.

Meltzer, M. (1977). Bread – and roses: The struggle of American labor, 1865-1915. New York: Mentor Book/New American Library.

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Seeger, P., & Reiser, B. (Eds.) (1985). Carry it on! A history in song and picture of America’s working men and women. New York: Simon & Schuster.

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The Civil Rights Movement

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Hampton, H. (Exec. Prod.). (1987). Eyes on the prize: America’s Civil Rights years, 1954-1965. Boston: Blackside Inc.

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Prison Series Collages

Prison Collage #1: “The Prison Industrial Complex”

a disturbing reemergence of the debtors’ prison, See: Khalek, R. (2011, July 21).

Although mechanical cotton pickers are almost universally used on modern-day farms, Angola prisoners must harvest by hand. See: Schenwar, M. (2008).

America’s Plantation Prisons. See: Schenwar, M. (2008).

Banking on Bondage: Private Prisons and Mass Incarceration. See: ACLU. (2011, November 2).

Corporations using prison labor to grab even more cash. See: Teamster Power. (2013, May 17).

Mass incarceration has further weakened depressed communities by depopulating them. See: Shapiro, D. (2011).

On land previously occupied by a slave plantation, Louisiana prisoners pick cotton, earning 4 cents an hour. See: Schenwar, M. (2008).

The Pentagon and Slave Labor in U.S. Prisons. See: Flounders, S. (2013, February 4).

Photograph of Marissa Alexander [Graphic]. See: Salzillo, L. (2013, July 15).

Prison Labor Booms As Unemployment Remains High; Companies Reap Profits. See: McCormack, S. (2012, December 10).

Prison Labor: Relegalized Slavery [Graphic]. See: Prison Reform Movement. (2013, March 4).

private corporations are running prisons-for-profit, further incentivizing their stake in locking people up. See: Khalek, R. (2011, July 21).

Severe drug laws. See: Too many laws, too many prisoners. (2010, July 22).

There are over 4,000 federal crimes. See: Too many laws, too many prisoners. (2010, July 22).

Three strikes laws. See: Shapiro, D. (2011).

Too many laws, too many prisoners. Never in the civilised world have so many been locked up for so little. See: Too many laws, too many prisoners. (2010, July 22).

The trend of criminalizing homelessness appears to be growing. See: National Coalition for the Homeless. (2009).

21st-Century Slaves: How Corporations Exploit Prison Labor. See: Khalek, R. (2011, July 21).

US Has the Most Prisoners in the World. See: Vicini, J. (2006).

The U.S. prison population rose by 700% from 1970 to 2005, a rate far outpacing that of general population growth and crime rates. [Graphic] See: Shapiro, D. (2011). (p. 11)

we are even witnessing the reemergence of the chain gang. See: Khalek, R. (2011, July 21).


Prison Collage #2: “Marissa Alexander”

A Letter From Marissa Alexander. See: Salzillo, L. (2013, July 15).

The Battered Woman Serving 20 Years For Firing A Warning Shot. See: Salzillo, L. (2013, July 15).

The bullet ended up in the ceiling and no one was hurt. See: Salzillo, L. (2013, July 15).

Her abusive husband [even] claimed he meant to “lay hands on her” and that she did the right thing in trying to stop him. See: Salzillo, L. (2013, July 15).

In April 2010, Alexander, then 29, fired a warning shot to stop her abusive husband. See: Salzillo, L. (2013, July 15).

In 2011, black women were incarcerated at 2.5 times the rate of white women.…Hispanic women were incarcerated at 1.4 times the rate of white women. See: Phillips, S. D. (2012).

More than three-quarters of all reported staff sexual misconduct involves women who were victimized by male correctional staff. See: Phillips, S. D. (2012).

The number of women in prison, a third of whom are incarcerated for drug offenses, is increasing at nearly double the rate for men. These women often have significant histories of physical and sexual abuse. See: The Sentencing Project. (2013).

The number of women in prison increased by 587% between 1980 and 2011, rising from 15,118 to 111,387. See: Phillips, S. D. (2012).

Photograph of Marissa Alexander [Graphic]. See: Salzillo, L. (2013, July 15).

She was a battered wife and he was coming towards her again, fully intending to do her harm. See: Salzillo, L. (2013, July 15).

She was frail at the time, having just given birth days earlier. See: Salzillo, L. (2013, July 15).

Systematic abuse, beatings, prolonged isolation and sensory deprivation, and lack of medical care make U.S. prison conditions among the worst in the world. See: Flounders, S. (2013, February 4).

Women in prison are more likely than are men to be victims of staff sexual misconduct. See: Phillips, S. D. (2012).

Yet, Marissa Alexander was arrested and is now serving a 20-year prison sentence. See: Salzillo, L. (2013, July 15).

You are completely under the control of prison guards who carry pepper gas and long, black batons that some refer to as “spic and nigger beaters.” See: Ross, S. (2009, March 22).


Prison Collage #3: “The History of Labor in America”

a massive prison-industrial complex that generates billions of dollars annually for businesses and industries profiting from mass incarceration. See: Flounders, S. (2013, February 4).

A regular traffic developed in these indentured servants. Convicts provided another steady source of white labor. See: Williams, E. (1994).

After the Civil War, the black codes, debt peonage, the crop-lien system, lifetime labor contracts, vigilante terror and the convict-lease system were used to control the newly emancipated slave. See: Fraser, S., & Freeman, J. B. (2013).

America imprisons more of its citizens than any other nation in history. See: Khalek, R. (2011, July 21).

Blacks who broke labor contracts could be whipped, placed in the pillory, and sold for up to one year’s labor. See: Foner, E. (1988).

The convict lease system was expanded so as to provide employers with a supply of cheap labor. See: Foner, E. (1988).

convicts were leased to coal-mining, iron-forging, steel-making, and railroad companies, textile mills, oven makers, hat and shoe factories…Tennessee Coal and Iron; Kansas Wagon Company. See: Fraser, S., & Freeman, J. B. (2013).

[Corporate names]. See: Flounders, S. (2013, February 4); Khalek, R. (2011, July 21); McCormack, S. (2012, December 10); Pelaez, V. (2013, January 31).

from 1713 to 1780 over twenty thousand slaves were carried annually to America. See: Novack, G (1976).

The idea of indentured servitude was born of a need for cheap labor. Indentured servants became vital to the colonial economy. See: History Detectives (n.d.).

In 2009 total sales of prisoner made products totaled $2.4 billion. See: Sloan, B. (2011, September 21).

Just arrived in York River, with a Cargo of choice healthy indented servants, the Sale of which will begin at. See: Smithsonian National Museum of American History (n.d.).

the large number of workers required to grow and harvest cotton came from slave labor until the end of the American Civil War. See: Dattel, E. R. (2006).

The prison industry complex is one of the fastest-growing industries in the United States. See: Pelaez, V. (2013, January 31).

Prison labor is being harvested on a massive scale. See: McCormack, S. (2012, December 10).

The slave trade became a cornerstone of Anglo-American commerce. See: Novack, G (1976).

Trustee’s Sale. One Negro Woman Aged about thirty years, and her Five Children. See: University of Chicago Library (n.d.).

the Virginia Company: migrants, transported at Company expense from England to Virginia were sold to planters. See: Galenson, D. W. (1984).

we are even witnessing the reemergence of the chain gang. See: Khalek, R. (2011, July 21).

white servitude was the historic base upon which Negro slavery was constructed. See: Williams, E. (1994).

with an average pay of $0.93 to $4.73 per day. See: Khalek, R. (2011, July 21).


References for Prison Series Collages

ACLU. (2011, November 2). Banking on bondage: Private prisons and mass incarceration. Executive Summary. American Civil Liberties Union [website]. Retrieved from:

Dattel, E. R. (2006). Cotton in a global economy: Mississippi (1800-1860). Mississippi Historical Society [website]. Retrived from

Flounders, S. (2013, February 4). The Pentagon and Slave Labor in U.S. Prisons. Global Research, International Action Center [website]. Retrieved from http://www.

Foner, E. (1988). Reconstruction: America’s unfinished revolution 1863-1877. New York: Harper & Row.

Fraser, S., & Freeman, J. B. (2013). Locking down an American workforce: Prison labor as the past — and future — of American “free-market” capitalism. [website]. Retrieved 7/18/13 from

Galenson, D. W. (1984). The rise and fall of indentured servitude in the Americas: An economic analysis. The Journal of Economic History, 44(1), pp. 1-26. Retrieved from http://www.

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History Detectives. (n.d.). Indentured servants in the U.S. [website]. Retrieved from

McCormack, S. (2012, December 10). Prison labor booms as unemployment remains high; Companies reap profits. The Huffington Post [website]. Retrieved from http://www.

National Coalition for the Homeless. (2009). Homes not handcuffs: The criminalization of homelessness in U.S. cities. National Coalition for the Homeless [website]. Retrieved from:

Novack, G. (Ed.). (1976). America’s revolutionary heritage. New York: Pathfinder Press.

Pelaez, V. (2013, January 31). The prison industry in the the United States: Big business or a new form of slavery? Global Research [website]. Retrieved 7/18/13 from

Phillips, S. D. (2012). Incarcerated women. The Sentencing Project [website]. Retrieved from:

Prison Reform Movement. (2013, March 4). Prison Labor: Exposed. Prison Movement’s Weblog [blog]. Retrieved from:

Ross, S. (2009, March 22). America’s dehumanizing prisons. Global Research [website]. retrieved from:

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Shapiro, D. (2011). Banking on bondage: Private prisons and mass incarceration. New York: American Civil Liberties Union. Retrieved from:

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Vicini, J. (2006). US has the most prisoners in the world. Common Dreams [website]. Retrieved from

Williams, E. (1994). Capitalism & slavery. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.