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[ John Chrysostom (c.347-407)] : Eight Homilies against the Jews, Homily I [excerpted for Bodian’s polemics, [ Full Translation]]<br>
[ John Chrysostom (c.347-407)] : Eight Homilies against the Jews, Homily I [excerpted for Bodian’s polemics, [ Full Translation]]<br>

Bodian’s course ought to be entitled “Modern Jewish Propaganda: Accusation of anti-semitism for cultural and political control”.<br>
Bodian’s course ought to be entitled “Modern Jewish Propaganda: Accusation of anti-semitism for cultural and political control”. Though some Western heterodox innovations in Western Europe do fit the bill of anti-semitism (e.g. the Judan Sow), she essentially argues against Christianity as having distorted Jewish religion. [[Christian_Apologetics#Alfred_Edersheim|Alfred Edersheim]] by way of much greater historical depth and inspired interpretation shows otherwise.<br>
Though some Western heterodox innovations in Western Europe do fit the bill of anti-semitism (e.g. the Judan Sow), she essentially argues against Christianity as having distorted Jewish religion.<br>
Bodian ignores all intemperate and indelicate accusations of Jewish Rabbis (Scribes and Pharisees, “lawyers”) against Christians over the centuries as recorded in their Talmud, preferring instead to play pot to kettle’s black. What she doesn’t understand is that anti-semitism, like any form of racial or other hatred, is not Christian, but anti-christian, the sinful product of temptation by the Evil One and his minions, regardless from whence it originates. Neither does Bodian acknowledge that all human rights are the legacy of Christian upholding of all humanity as created in the image and likeness of God, and therefore deserving of respect and humane treatment.<br>
[[Christian_Apologetics#Alfred_Edersheim|Alfred Edersheim]] by way of much greater historical depth and inspired interpretation shows otherwise.<br>
The same cannot be said for historical Judaism as expounded in the Talmud; there we find that all non-Jews are subhumans, “cattle” (dumb beasts) and therefore not deserving of same respect and treatment required of Jews. In short, Bodian doesn’t acknowledge that Jews are part of humanity, all of which (including Jews) have ”sinned” (fallen out from comm-union with God, the One and only as revealed through Abraham and all other patriarchs and prophets of the Jews).<br>
Bodian ignores all intemperate and indelicate accusations of Jewish Rabbis (Scribes and Pharisees, “lawyers”) against Christians over the centuries as recorded in their Talmud, preferring instead to play pot to kettle’s black.<br>
What Bodian doesn’t understand is that anti-semitism, like any form of racial or other hatred, is not Christian, but anti-christian, the sinful product of temptation by the Evil One and his minions, regardless from whence it originates.<br>
The same cannot be said for historical Judaism as expounded in the Talmud; there we find that all non-Jews are subhumans, “cattle” (dumb beasts) and therefore not deserving of same respect and treatment required of Jews.<br>
In short, Bodian doesn’t acknowledge that Jews are part of humanity, all of which (including Jews) have ”sinned” (fallen out from comm-union with God, the One and only as revealed through Abraham and all other patriarchs and prophets of the Jews).<br>
Jews are not more righteous than everyone else, more perfect fastidious keepers of the Ten Commandments than gentile Christians.<br>
Jews are not more righteous than everyone else, more perfect fastidious keepers of the Ten Commandments than gentile Christians.<br>
Such “we do no wrong; everyone is against us”, [[wikipedia:Playing_the_victim|playing the victim]] of Jewish Supremacy is racism of the worst kind.
Such “we do no wrong; everyone is against us”, [[wikipedia:Playing_the_victim|playing the victim]] of Jewish Supremacy is racism of the worst kind.

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