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What she doesn’t seem to understand is the polemical style of writing of the day, or that anti-semitism, like any form of racial or other hatred, is not Christian, but anti-christian, the sinful product of temptation of humans by the Evil One and his minions, regardless from whom such sin originates. Neither does Bodian seem to acknowledge that all western modern human rights are legacy of Christian upholding of all humanity as created in the image and likeness of God (as expounded in the first book of the Jewish Pentateuch), and therefore deserving of respect and humane treatment.<br>
What she doesn’t seem to understand is the polemical style of writing of the day, or that anti-semitism, like any form of racial or other hatred, is not Christian, but anti-christian, the sinful product of temptation of humans by the Evil One and his minions, regardless from whom such sin originates. Neither does Bodian seem to acknowledge that all western modern human rights are legacy of Christian upholding of all humanity as created in the image and likeness of God (as expounded in the first book of the Jewish Pentateuch), and therefore deserving of respect and humane treatment.<br>
Bodian seemingly doesn’t acknowledge that Jews are part of humanity, all of which (including Jews) has ”sinned” (fallen out from comm-union with God, the One and only as revealed through Abraham and all other patriarchs and prophets of the Jews). Jews are not more righteous than everyone else, more perfect fastidious keepers of the Ten Commandments than non-jewish gentiles, and therefore justified in policing the morality of others. Such “we do no wrong; everyone is against us” self-righteous [[wikipedia:Playing_the_victim|playing the victim]] is racist supremacism of the worst kind.<br>
Bodian seemingly doesn’t acknowledge that Jews are part of humanity, all of which (including Jews) has ”sinned” (fallen out from comm-union with God, the One and only as revealed through Abraham and all other patriarchs and prophets of the Jews). Jews are not more righteous than everyone else, more perfect fastidious keepers of the Ten Commandments than non-jewish gentiles, and therefore justified in policing the morality of others. Such “we do no wrong; everyone is against us” self-righteous [[wikipedia:Playing_the_victim|playing the victim]] is racist supremacism of the worst kind.<br>
''See'' — [[Culture#E._Michael_Jones|E. Michael Jones]], [ Modern Era Error]
''See'' — [ Modern Era Error], [[Culture#E._Michael_Jones|E. Michael Jones]]
[ ''The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit''] : ''And Its Impact on World History'' |, [ Download]<br>
— Chapter Three: Rome Discovers the Talmud
Now, about this charge, anti-Semitism. The word has several meanings. One is an embedded hatred of Jewish people . . . As such, it is a grave sin, a disease of the heart, a variant of racism. Which brings us to a second definition . . . And that is a word to describe the branding iron wielded by a tiny clique, to burn horribly heretics from their political orthodoxy. It is used to frighten, intimidate, censor and silence; to cut off debate; to so smear a man’s reputation that no one will listen to him again; to scar men so indelibly that no one will ever look at them again without saying, ‘Say, isn’t he an anti- Semite?’
– Pat Buchanan, 1990


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