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[ John Chrysostom (c.347-407)] : Eight Homilies against the Jews, Homily I [excerpted for Bodian’s polemics, [ Full Translation]]<br>
[ John Chrysostom (c.347-407)] : Eight Homilies against the Jews, Homily I [excerpted for Bodian’s polemics, [ Full Translation]]<br>

Bodian’s course is not scholarly, not historically balanced by presenting “both sides now”, so it ought to instead be entitled “Modern Jewish Propaganda: Accusation of anti-semitism for socio-political control”. Though some Western heterodox phenomenon in Western Europe does fit the bill of anti-semitism (e.g. the Judan Sow), she essentially argues for Christianity as distortion of Jewish monotheism. [[Christian_Apologetics#Alfred_Edersheim|Alfred Edersheim]] by way of much greater historical depth and inspired interpretation shows otherwise. Bodian claims that Christian teaching justifies abuse of Jews, IOW that Christianity is systemic anti-semitism, with the next obvious step being to outlaw and banish Christianity from the face of the earth. <br>
Bodian’s course is not scholarly, not historically balanced by presenting “both sides now”, so it ought to instead be entitled “Modern Jewish Propaganda: Accusation of anti-semitism for socio-political control”. Though some Western Christian (Roman Catholic) phenomenon in Western Europe does fit the bill of anti-semitism (e.g. the Judan Sow), she essentially argues for Christianity as distortion of Jewish monotheism. [[Christian_Apologetics#Alfred_Edersheim|Alfred Edersheim]] by way of much greater historical depth and inspired interpretation shows otherwise. Bodian claims that Christian teaching justifies abuse of Jews, IOW that Christianity is systemic anti-semitism, with the next obvious step being to outlaw and banish Christianity from the face of the earth. <br>
Bodian ignores all intemperate and indelicate accusations of Jewish Rabbis (sages, scribes and Pharisees, “lawyers”) against Christians over the centuries as recorded in their Talmud, preferring instead to play pot to kettle black. Those rabbinical arguments don't advocate violence against Christians, but then neither do the Church fathers advocate violence against Jews, including John Chrysostom whom Bodian brands an anti-semite in order to “prove” that anti-semitism originates in the Christian Church.<br>
Bodian ignores all intemperate and indelicate accusations of Jewish Rabbis (sages, scribes and Pharisees, “lawyers”) against Christians over the centuries as recorded in their Talmud, preferring instead to play pot to kettle black. Those rabbinical arguments don't advocate violence against Christians, but then neither do the Church fathers advocate violence against Jews, including John Chrysostom whom Bodian brands an anti-semite in order to “prove” that anti-semitism originates in the Christian Church.<br>
What she doesn’t seem to understand is the polemical style of writing of the day, or that anti-semitism, like any form of racial or other hatred, is not Christian, but anti-christian, the sinful product of temptation of humans by the Evil One and his minions, regardless from whom such sin originates. Neither does Bodian seem to acknowledge that all western modern human rights are legacy of Christian upholding of all humanity as created in the image and likeness of God (as expounded in the first book of the Jewish Pentateuch), and therefore deserving of respect and humane treatment — something that too many Jews and Rabbis are often wont to do, preferring instead to see themselves as better and above others because of being chosen by God.<br>
What she doesn’t seem to understand is the polemical style of writing of the day, or that anti-semitism, like any form of racial or other hatred, is not Christian, but anti-christian, the sinful product of temptation of humans by the Evil One and his minions, regardless from whom such sin originates. Neither does Bodian seem to acknowledge that all western modern human rights are legacy of Christian upholding of all humanity as created in the image and likeness of God (as expounded in the first book of the Jewish Pentateuch), and therefore deserving of respect and humane treatment — something that too many Jews and Rabbis are often wont to do, preferring instead to see themselves as better and above others because of being chosen by God.<br>

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