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SeeAlex Carey, Free labor

What Money Can't Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets | Google Books
What Money Can't Buy by Michael Sandel – review
Labour conference 2012: a cerebral address on moral limits of markets
SeeMichael J. Sandel

The U.S. Corporate Elite Is Killing Democracy and the Planet
NLRB Rules in Favor of Apple Whistleblower

Faith and Work: From Jesus to the Reformation
Faith and Work: From the Puritans to the Present


CIA Spied..., Interfered in Union Elections and Collaborated With Anti-Union Thugs...

Richard Wolff

Democracy at Work: Curing Capitalism | Talks at Google
Economic Update: Capitalism & Its Self-Delusions April 11, 2022

Confined Space

Confined Space
About Confined Space — Workplace Safety, OSHA and Workers: How to survive.
Books, Resources and Publications

Republicans Weaponize Debt Limit Fight to Destroy Worker Protections


Labor Unions During the Great Depression and New Deal

Capitalism Contributed to Factory Workers Deaths in Kentucky and Illinois
Capitalism’s War on Railroad Workers Continues Under President Whose Support For Unions Rings Hollow


After smashing the influence of unions by Corporate America, they have been made an arm of deep state intelligence agency foreign policy.

Labor Activists Launch New Organization to Challenge AFL-CIO Foreign Policy
Unions Are Funding and Endorsing a Congressman Who Ran Counter-Intelligence Operations Against Them
As Workers Win Victories in Mexico, It’s Important to Remember Past Machinations Against Them — Mexico’s reenergized labor movement should be leery of AFL-CIO cooptation and CIA infiltration following long historical pattern
AFL-CIO Complicit in Murder of Palestinian Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh
The AFL-CIO’s Nazi Friendly Union in Ukraine

Jefferson Cowie

Jefferson Cowie | Wikipedia
Jefferson Cowie | James G. Stahlman Chair, Department of History Vanderbilt University

Stayin' Alive: The 1970s and the Last Days of the Working Class | Google Books

Stayin Alive — Bee Gees

Freedom's Dominion: A Saga of White Resistance to Federal Power
The Freedom to Oppress: PW Talks with Jefferson Cowie
Jefferson Cowie in conversation with Nicole Hemmer — watch on YouTube
When Freedom Is Oppression | YouTube

The ‘Hard Hat Riot’ Was a Preview of Today’s Political Divisions
How the Slavery-Like Conditions of Convict Leasing Flourished After the Collapse of Reconstruction: Jefferson Cowie on the Terror That Filled the Void Left

Jefferson Cowie – "What´s the Matter with American Freedom" | YouTube
Jefferson Cowie | Community Voices | YouTube
Jefferson Cowie on Deindustrialization, Trade, and the 2016 Presidential Election | YouTube

Jefferson Cowie's "Last Lecture" | Cornell Video

Robert Reich

Robert Reich | Wikipedia — former Secretary of Labor
Robert Reich Carmel P. Friesen Professor of Public Policy, UC Berkeley

Robert Reich | Substack Exposing where power lies — and how it's used and abused
Robert B Reich | Facebook
Robert Reich | YouTube channel
Robert Reich | The Guardian

The biggest business con of 2019: fleecing workers while bosses get rich

Inequality Media with Robert Reich
— The top 1% of America holds 40% of the wealth. It's time the public understands how this happened and what we can do about it.
Our ultimate vision is a United States where active participation by informed citizens restores the balance of power in our Democracy and creates an economy where gains are widely shared.
What Happened to Organized Labor?
Politics are Polarized, But Not for the Reason You Think
The Truth About Inflation

Child Labor

Who Is To Blame For Child Labor? Jul 23, 1914
Federal complaint alleges child labor violations at a Grand Island meatpacking plant, among others Nov 14, 2022
Child Labor Has Made a Comeback Nov 16, 2022
Child Labor in the Most Dangerous Workplaces Nov 16, 2022
More Than 100 Children Illegally Employed In Hazardous Jobs, Federal Investigation Finds; Food Sanitaiton Contractor Pays $1.5M In Penalties Feb 17, 2023 | U.S. Dept of Labor
From stakeouts to warrants: How federal investigators found more than 100 children cleaning slaughterhouses May 7, 2023 | 60 Minutes


Metanoia Films
About | Metanoia Films
Films | Metanoia Films
Plutocracy Watch Online | Metanoia Films
— the bloodiest, most violent repression of labor organization in the world occurred in the USA, simultaneously alongside the most opportunistic governmental aid and abettance of corporate business organization

Filmmaker Scott Noble: Spying Deters Democracy

Myth of Minority Hiring Quotas

Are corporations in America required to hire a certain amount of minority employees and are there repercussions if this is not done?
— “In the United States, there are laws and regulations aimed at promoting equal employment opportunities for minority groups. However, there is no specific federal requirement for corporations to hire a certain number or percentage of minority employees. Instead, the focus is on preventing discrimination in the hiring process and ensuring that all individuals have an equal opportunity to compete for available positions. Repercussions for not adhering to anti-discrimination laws can include legal action, fines, and damage to a company's reputation. Additionally, some government contracts and programs may have specific requirements related to diversity and inclusion. It's important for corporations to be aware of and comply with these laws and regulations to foster a diverse and inclusive work environment.”

Prohibited Employment Policies/Practices | U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Affirmative Action Policies Throughout History | American Association for Access, Equity and Diversity (AAAED)

Affirmative Action

Research: How Companies Committed to Diverse Hiring Still Fail