HEGE Series
See — Advertising, Consumer Propaganda
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy. — Proverbs 31:8-9
Chatty Cathy | Wikipedia
— Chatty Cathy talking doll is a type of the talking head, the “useful idiot” whose string was created by propaganda's Big Lie formulated in solipsistic, sophist scheming “think” tanks; pull the ring and they'll say anything that's on the list of pre-recorded political party platform talking points.
Chatty Cathy Documentary | Mattel
— “the doll that speaks for herself” LOL (yeah right, just as talking heads speak for themselves, not for those who cannot speak for themselves.)
Propaganda | Wikipedia
Propaganda techniques | Wikipedia
Public Relations | Wikipedia
Advertising | Wikipedia
Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) | Wikipedia
PR Watch | CMD
SourceWatch | CMD
SpinWatch | Public Interest Investigations
100 Best Propaganda Books of All Time
The Propaganda Society: Promotional Culture and Politics in Global Context
DIY: How to Spot A Propaganda through Critical Thinking: Why Think About Propaganda?
Propaganda Analysis Project
Communication Theory: Propaganda Model
The ultimate guide to propaganda
— Educate yourself on how to recognize propaganda and create positive branding in 2022
What is 'agitprop'?
The Propagandizing of Propaganda
Propaganda and Disempowerment
Propaganda: Vicious Tool To Deceive By Spreading Lies
Examples of Propaganda Done With Different Tactics
Ad Council
How socialism became un-American through the Ad Council’s propaganda campaigns American identity today is strongly tied to an image of capitalism crafted and advertised by the Ad Council and American corporate interests over decades, often with the support of the U.S. government.... This link between capitalism and American national identity was advertised through a sophisticated, corporate effort as efficient and ubiquitous as state-driven propaganda behind the Iron Curtain. Having lived in China almost my whole life, I learned first-hand how propaganda can instill in the general population a certain mindset that is detached from one’s experiences or facts. Propagandizing is a mechanism for the purpose of preventing thinking while setting feelings in motion once cued. — Habi Zhang, The Woke Psyche on Campus
10 Things You Should Know About Socialism
— “each country’s socialism is shaped by the global history, rich tradition, and diverse interpretations of a movement that has been the world’s major critical response to capitalism as a system.”
See — Corporate Propaganda, Political Propaganda, Advertising, Media
Alex Carey
Alex Carey (writer) | Wikipedia
— Carey noted that Americans are the most propagandized people on the planet
Australia’s forgotten Chomsky
Corporations and Propaganda, Part ONE of TWO
Corporations and Propaganda, Part TWO of TWO
The Ideological Management Industry
Taking the Risk Out of Democracy: Corporate Propaganda versus Freedom and Liberty ( download)
The twentieth century has been characterized by three developments of great political importance: the growth of democracy, the growth of corporate power, and the growth of corporate propaganda as a means of protecting corporate power against democracy. (p. 18)
It remains, as ever, an axiom of conventional wisdom that the use of propaganda as a means of social and ideological control is distinctive of totalitarian regimes. Yet the most minimal exercise of common sense would suggest a different view: that propaganda is likely to play at least as important a part in democratic societies (where the existing distribution of power and privilege is vulnerable to quite limited changes in popular opinion) as in authoritarian societies (where it is not). It is arguable that the success of business propaganda in persuading us, for so long, that we are free from propaganda is one of the most significant propaganda achievements of the twentieth century. (p. 21)
Tavistock Institute
Tavistock Institute | Wikipedia
The Tavistock Institute for Human Relations | Internet Archive
— Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political and Economic Decline of the United States.
“The Tavistock Institute for Human Relations has had a profound effect on the moral, spiritual, cultural, political and economic policies of the United States of America and Great Britain. It has been in the front line of the attack on the U.S. Constitution and State constitutions. No group did more to propagandize the U.S. to participate in the WWI at a time when the majority of the American people were opposed to it.
Much the same tactics were used by the Social Science scientists at Tavistock to get the United States into WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Serbia and both wars against Iraq. Tavistock began as a propaganda creating and disseminating organization at Wellington House in London in the run-up to WWI, what Toynbee called "that black hole of disinformation." On another occasion Toynbee called Wellington House "a lie factory." From a somewhat crude beginning, Wellington House evolved into the Tavistock Institute and went on to shape the destiny of Germany, Russia, Britain and the United States in a highly controversial manner. The people of these nations were unaware that they were being "brainwashed." The origin of "mind control," "inner directional conditioning" and mass "brainwashing" is explained in an easy to understand book written with great authority.
The fall of dynasties, the Bolshevik Revolution, WWI and WWII saw the destruction of old alliances and boundaries, the convulsions in religion, morals, family life, economic and political conduct, decadence in music and art can all be traced back to mass indoctrination (mass brainwashing) practiced by the Tavistock Institute Social Science scientists. Prominent among Tavistock's faculty were Edward Bernays, the double nephew of Sigmund Freud. It is said that Herr Goebbels, Propaganda Minister in the German Third Reich used methodology devised by Bernays as well as those of Willy Munzenberg, whose extraordinary career is touched upon in this work about the past, present and future. Without Tavistock, there would have been no WWI and WWII, no Bolshevik Revolution, Korea, Vietnam, Serbia and Iraq wars. But for Tavistock, the United States would not be rushing down the road to dissolution and collapse.”
See — Anti-German Hysteria
Dr. John Coleman — his work has been hijacked and twisted by political conservative propaganda and paranoid conspiracy theory
The Committee of 300 - Dr. John Coleman (1994 VHS) | rumble
— Dr. Coleman emphatically states that free trade is piracy, in direct contradiction to Conservative political economic propaganda. He seems to claim that the left wing Democratic Party became the avenue of a socialist agenda, which the right wing Republican Party has been quick to adopt as part of it's historical anti-communist propaganda ploy, but the issue of free trade implicates the conservative Republican Party in the ongoing project of globalism, together with and even more so than the Democratic Party, as free trade has been a much bigger talking point over the decades for Republican Party propaganda than for Democrats.
Committee of 300 | Wikipedia
— Wikipedia links Committee of 300 to conspiracy theory of Protocols of Elders of Zion which is not embraced by Dr. Coleman.
Conspirators’ Hierarchy: History of the Committee of 300 |
— November 2017 Release of Abbottabad Compound Material (found in Abbottabad, Osama bin Laden's compound)
The Rothschild Dynasty | Internet Archive
Dr. John Coleman | Internet Archive author's page
Big Lie
Big lie | Wikipedia
Joseph Goebbels | Wikipedia
The manipulation of the American mind: Edward Bernays and the birth of public relations
In the 1920s, Joseph Goebbels became an avid admirer of Bernays and his writings – despite the fact that Bernays was a Jew. When Goebbels became the minister of propaganda for the Third Reich, he sought to exploit Bernays’ ideas to the fullest extent possible. For example, he created a “Fuhrer cult” around Adolph Hitler.
Bernays learned that the Nazis were using his work in 1933, from a foreign correspondent for Hearst newspapers. He later recounted in his 1965 autobiography:
They were using my books as the basis for a destructive campaign against the Jews of Germany. This shocked me, but I knew any human activity can be used for social purposes or misused for antisocial ones.
What Bernays’ writings furnish is not a principle or tradition by which to evaluate the appropriateness of propaganda, but simply a means for shaping public opinion for any purpose whatsoever, whether beneficial to human beings or not.
This observation led Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter to warn President Franklin Roosevelt against allowing Bernays to play a leadership role in World War II, describing him and his colleagues as “professional poisoners of the public mind, exploiters of foolishness, fanaticism, and self-interest.”
Today we might call what Bernays pioneered a form of branding, but at its core it represents little more than a particularly brazen set of techniques to manipulate people to get them to do your bidding.
Its underlying purpose, in large part, is to make money. By convincing people that they want something they do not need, Bernays sought to turn citizens and neighbors into consumers who use their purchasing power to propel themselves down the road to happiness.
Without a moral compass, however, such a transformation promotes a patronizing and ultimately cynical view of human nature and human possibilities, one as likely to destroy lives as to build them up.
War Propaganda
Propaganda is a bigger danger now than in the Second World War, according to new book
British propaganda during World War I | Wikipedia
British propaganda during World War II | Wikipedia
American propaganda during World War II | Wikipedia
Propaganda during World War II | Wikipedia
How Propaganda Posters Helped Win Two World Wars
— Many iconic images in World War I and II started out as posters
Posters: World War I Posters | Library of Congress
Powers of Persuasion | National Archives
The Best U.S. Propaganda Posters From WWI And WWII
Fighting the Nazis With Fake News
— war is always a good excuse for intitiating government malfeasance, that never goes away
Inside America’s Shocking WWII Propaganda Machine
— “More than half a century ago, the U.S. used provocative posters and fake news to influence its soldiers, its citizens, and even its enemies.”
[Allied tit for tat counterpart to Axis Goebbels‘s Propaganda Ministry in Nazi Germany — means justifies ends mentality, fighting fire with fire, stooping to lower level, wallowing in sewer.]
Political Propaganda
See — Noam Chomsky
Propaganda in the Information Age: Still Manufacturing Consent | Amazon
From manufacturing consent to manufacturing consensus
New Evidence Reveals That Senator John McCain and Other High-Ranking Vietnam War POWs May Have Lied to the American Public About Being Tortured
Militarism and Diplomacy in the South China Sea: The Propaganda Machine is Mobilized
Betraying Tyndale: Notes Against Propaganda
— “There is no other word for what Rufo is advocating for besides “propaganda,” which the French theorist Jacques Ellul defines for us this way: "Propaganda seeks to induce action, adherence, and participation with as little thought as possible. According to propaganda, it is useless, even harmful for man to think; thinking prevents him from acting with the required righteousness and simplicity. Action must come directly from the depths of the unconscious; it must release tension, become a reflex."
I trust you can see that this describes not only the excesses of the young left in America today, but also the very strategy being endorsed by Rufo and many on the young right.”
Identifying the Enemy Is the First Step in Winning the War
— [Americans] “have been propagandized into a climate of polarization and hate by those in power, while they might better find common ground and unite against their real enemy, which they have not yet identified.
The two-party system promotes and maintains the political division. It is interesting that, while enriching themselves through insider trading, both parties have no problem agreeing to spend billions on the war machine, and raising the military budget every year.
Yet they cannot agree on establishing any meaningful programs that would relieve the fleecing of Americans by corporate giants or help curtail the destruction caused by climate change.
While most Americans experience increasing poverty, growing debt, and decline in the standard of living, the right wing of the political spectrum blames the left, and the left wing blames the right.”
My Life in Propaganda: Language and Totalitarian Regimes | Amazon
‘Everyone is vulnerable to propaganda’
Republican attorneys general are trying to interfere in private companies' hiring policies
Is Corporate America biased against white people?
Why Corporate America Is Worried About Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action Frequently Asked Questions
How the affirmative action ruling impacts corporate America
Here's how diversity can drive innovation
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Corporate Propaganda
See — Dorset Eye: Independent Citizen Media, Merchants of Doubt
How Corporations and Politicians Lie With Numbers — and How Not to Be Fooled
The Propaganda System that has Helped Create a Permanent Overclass is Over a Century in the Making
Eddie Bernays
Alternative Facts: Political Propaganda in Action
— “Edward Bernay’s book Propaganda is the official Constitution of corporate media. During the consumerist “renaissance” of the 1920s, he urged the elite to manipulate public opinion and limit freedom of choice in order to control the new modern society. He even declared that “those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government […] the true ruling power of our country.’”
Sigmund Freud | Wikipedia
Anna Freud | Wikipedia
Edward Bernays | Wikipedia — Freud's nephew
Propaganda (book) by Edward Bernays | Wikipedia
Edward L. Bernays interview, 1986-10-23 | YouTube
The Father of Spin: Edward L. Bernays and the Birth of Public Relations
C-SPAN Booknotes The Father of Spin: Edward Bernays
Bacon Eggs and Sigmund Freud
The manipulation of the American mind: Edward Bernays and the birth of public relations
Adam Curtis
See — Adam Curtis - The Living Dead
Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky | Wikipedia
Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media | Amazon
Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media
Propaganda Terms in the Media and What They Mean
Dorset Eye: Independent Citizen Media
Propaganda: From Cradle to Grave we are Force Fed Lies and Illusions
Toxic Sludge is Good for You — Corporate Propaganda and Public Relations
Torches of Freedom: How women were persuaded to smoke
Articles by Rod Driver
Business Managed Democracy
Business Managed Democracy The purpose of the many powerful business coalitions that corporations have formed in recent decades is to ensure that corporate interests are advanced over the welfare, health and other interests of national populations and to undermine the democratic process for deciding government priorities and policies. What business leaders seek, and to a large extent have achieved, are 'business-managed democracies', that is, democracies where the politics and cultural life of nations are managed in the interests of business. Public Relations Public relations (PR) is a major tool by which business manages democracy. In the US, for example, PR specialists and managers outnumber mass media editorial staff by around 4 to 1.
Andrew Gavin Marshall
Andrew Gavin Marshall page | Third World Traveler
Empire and Economics