The Machine

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Paul Kingsnorth refers to The Thing manifested in contemporary times as The Machine, which he thinks is assimilating us to itself (like the Borg of Star Trek).
William Cobbett coined the term “The Thing” for the British System that gave rise to the horrors of Industrialism, which is the basis of Kingsnorth's The Machine.
The American Way (The System of Organized crime, or Deep State) is the specific, proper name for The Machine, which came to supercede The Thing.
Peter Levenda does not think The Deep State is a bunch of men smoking cigars in a back room plotting global rule, but is the effect of what he calls The Phenomenon, which points to something more deeply sinister, something immaterial and spiritual, to the Evil One and his minions whose inspiration (temptations) will eventually give rise to The Beast himself.
Conspiracy theories have run rampant over time, but what such theorists overlook is that no one human or human group is in complete control (not the New World Order, United Nations, Bildeburgers, Freemasons, nor Zionists, Terrorists, etc.). That a bunch of fat, rich, cigar smoking white men could be so organized as to control the world gives too much credit to human hubris. Any and all conspirators are but mere puppets of the Evil One (ha-satan). It is ha-satan and he alone who has concocted The Conspiracy (The Phenomenon) against God and His Creation, especially humanity. Any and all "conspiracies" are nothing but small wheels in ha-satan's big Cog, The Machine. It is ha-satan who runs The Phenomenon, The Conspiracy Show, but it is God who is ultimately in control, who has already defeated ha-satan, his powers and principalities, and is only waiting for the final curtain after the Fat Lady sings. Spiritual and physical battles inspired by ha-satan will continue to wage on, even though he's already lost the war, until the ultimate war (Armageddon) threatens to destroy the Earth.
In relation to The Phenomenon, The American Way (The System of Organized crime, The Machine, or Deep State) functions by way of Amoral (Immoral) Economy which is none other than the Whore of Babylon who rides The Beast until it manifests itself in human form as the ultimate global totalitarian.
Ultimate manifestation of The Beast has been aided in modern times by The System of Organized crime (The American Way) from its initial inception after the Civil War (as evidenced by Grant Administration scandals, The Gilded Age, Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression), and by further corruption of The System following World War II with Nazis and more elements of The Occult than already existed in The American Way of life.

SeeCivil War (aka Second American Revolution), The Beast, Totalitarianism, Government, Military-industrial complex, Spying, Adam Curtis - All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace, Pandora's Box

E.M. Forster — attached to mysticism
Neil Postman — Amusing Ourselves to Death

The Triumph of the Machine — D.H. Lawrence (1885–1930)

Deism | Wikipedia
Watchmaker analogy | Wikipedia

Way of the Future: A New Church Worships an AI God

The Religion of Technology: The Divinity of Man and the Spirit of Invention — David F. Noble

Am I a machine?

I am... making clear what Man’s conquest of Nature really means and especially that final stage in the conquest, which, perhaps, is not far off. The final stage is come when Man by eugenics, by pre-natal conditioning, and by an education and propaganda based on a perfect applied psychology, has obtained full control over himself. Human nature will be the last part of Nature to surrender to Man. The battle will then be won. We shall have ‘taken the thread of life out of the hand of Clotho’ and be henceforth free to make our species whatever we wish it to be. The battle will indeed be won. But who, precisely, will have won it? ...
— C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man 1943

See — Anthropology of Antichristianity: The Age of Desire (Part 6)

Mass Narrative: The Voice of the Machine
It doesn’t matter what the politics are, left or right. In a material [Mammon] worldview, each person is reduced to a mud brick in a wall of mud bricks, each at the mercy of the inhuman collective.
— Peter of Basilea, Pilgrims in the Machine
If we regard the mass phenomena, we can see that the submergence of the person occurs in capitalist as well as in socialist countries, such as they now are.
— Anthony Esolen

When the Whole World Goes Mad: Mattias Desmet’s  The Psychology of Totalitarianism
The moment Arendt had anticipated in 1951 seems to be rapidly approaching: the emergence of a new totalitarian system led, not by ‘ring leaders’ like Stalin and Hitler, but by dull bureaucrats and technocrats. 
— Mattias Desmet, The Psychology of Totalitarianism


The Machine is based on an incomplete analysis of the contemporary modern situation and focuses attention away from the actual source of the problem, because it omits 1) Politics, 2) Government (US) 3) Economy 4) Business, 5) Organized crime, 6) The System (The American Way) and 7) The Occult. I suppose the political machine could be included in The Machine, and then that mechanical, technological metaphor might hold to greater extent, but still only incompletely.
William Cobbett's The Thing on which Kingsnorth bases his The Machine was a metaphor for all the odious effects (especially The Enclosure Movement) of British politics on farm laborers and small land holders. Cobbett was an agrarian who sought to reform Parliament on the pre-industrialist verge of the rise of capitalist industrialism in Britain. What Kingsnorth describes in limited detail as The Machine is actually The American Way (The System of Organized crime) which has morphed out of Cobbett's The Thing. The American Way is more descriptive of Modernity than The Machine, because the situation is not entirely mechanical or technological. It is primary political in that politics is the head of The Beast, and it is essentially American because America is and has been the world superpower ever since World War II. It only appears to be primarily mechanical because of the mechanical quantitative (bean counting) basis of western mentality, western way of thinking and approaching the world that leaves the qualitative out of the equation.
The System passed from Britain to America because America had more unspoiled land with rich "resources" for industrialism, and because the US economy was lifted out of the Great Depression by World War II wartime economy. Permanent War Economy was maintained thereafter because the US did not suffer from wartime invasion or bombing.
The Founding Fathers were monied powers, plutocrats and oligarchs in their own right, many of which were involved in Freemasonry, which at its heart is implicitly occultic, explicitly so at its upper echelons above 33rd degrees. The north was dominated by mercantilists and the south by planters. The Civil War was the Second American Revolution that crushed the southern planters giving hegemony to northern mercantilists so that industrial economy could develop unhindered. The north proceeded to do what the southern planters had done, lay a stranglehold on US government and refuse to let go even though the march of time demands it.
For many years post WWII there was talk of The Anglo-American Establishment which was a product of Atlanticism, which shows the strong tie between the crony corrupt monied upper classes of Britain and America, with their snobbish, racist white supremacy and white man's "burden". America was horribly corrupt and involved in The Occult from the start, even before her founding, and has never acknowledged such involvement in The Occult and Organized crime by which lands were stolen from Native Americans, and labor stolen by way of indentured servitude and slavery, without either of which The System would not exist today.
US corruption is now so pervasive that the US today even habitually perpetrates "preemptive strikes" against sovereign nations on the basis of lies about "national security", uses its "intelligence" (stupidity) to set up puppet regimes, perform hits on those who get in the way, etc. etc. By way of such corruption, the US has set itself up as the world's policeman in order to globally spread hegemony of its crony organized criminality. It is this criminality that prevents humble, repentant, respectful relationship of humanity to creation, not merely the fact that there exists The Machine technology.
No one understood this better or earlier than Albert E. Burke did in the 50s and 60s. Machine technology fits into the equation simply by nature of the fact that it is a medium of economic "development" by which crony criminals enrich themselves and cede power to themselves to feed their love of money. Love of Money really is the root of all evil. Whoever can't see that in these days and times when it is more blatantly obvious than ever will probably always remain blind to it.


Futurism | Wikipedia
The Futurists admired speed, technology, youth and violence, the car, the airplane and the industrial city, all that represented the technological triumph of humanity over nature, and they were passionate nationalists. They repudiated the cult of the past and all imitation, praised originality, "however daring, however violent", bore proudly "the smear of madness", dismissed art critics as useless, rebelled against harmony and good taste, swept away all the themes and subjects of all previous art, and gloried in science.

Italian Futurists: The first to love and worship the machine
Techno-utopianism had its heyday in the late 19th century and into the early decades of the 1900s. Many scientists, thinkers and writers subscribed to the idea that technology could certainly improve our world. That optimism about a technological future resulted in a literary and artistic movement called Futurism, made up mostly of Italian members. Its founder Filippo Tommaso Marinetti (1876-1944) made statements of extreme glorification towards industrialization.
Scouring through Marinetti’s eccentric writings from a century ago, we’ll find that he talked about “the machine” in three different manners: one that deified it, another that humanized it, and on occasion, he hoped for a future of a man-machine merger. All such three types of relationships with machines still resonate with us to different extents.

Futurists vs Romantics: Extreme views on technology and nature

Jacques Ellul

The Technological Society
Jacques Ellul | Wikipedia
Jacques Ellul (1912-1994) —
French philosopher.
concerned with the emergence of a technological tyranny over humanity
three primary sources of inspiration were Karl Marx, Søren Kierkegaard, and Karl Barth
According to Ellul, Marx and Kierkegaard were his two greatest influences, and the only two authors whose work he read in its entirety.
he considered Karl Barth, who was a leader of the resistance against the German state church in World War II, the greatest theologian of the 20th century
also said that his father played a great role in his life and considered him his role model
While Ellul was primarily a sociologist who focused on discussions of technology, he saw his theological work as an essential aspect of his career.
the irreducible religiosity of the human race, a devotion that has worshiped idols such as rulers, nations, and in more recent times materialism, scientism, technology and economics. To Ellul, people use such fallen images, or powers, as a substitute for God, and are, in turn, used by them, with no possible appeal to innocence or neutrality, which, although possible theoretically, does not in fact exist.
declared himself to be a Christian Universalist, writing "that all people from the beginning of time are saved by God in Jesus Christ, that they have all been recipients of His grace no matter what they have done."
highly unusual juxtaposition of original sin and universal salvation
Today, he argues, the technological society is generally held sacred.
Ellul's ultimate goal was to create by evolutionary means a "...Proudhonian transforming the press, the media, and the economic means of a federative cooperative approach..." an Anarchist society based on federation and the Mutualist economics of Proudhon
He viewed the power of the media as another example of technology exerting control over human destiny. As a mechanism of change, the media are almost invariably manipulated by special interests, whether of the market or the state.
Ellul agreed with Jules Monnerot who stated that "All individual passion leads to the suppression of all critical judgment with regard to the object of that passion".
He states that modern enslavement expresses how authority, signification, and value are attached to humanity and the beliefs and institutions it creates.
This leads to an exaltation of the nation or state, money, technology, art, morality, the party, etc. The work of humanity is glorified and worshiped, while simultaneously enslaving humankind.

Lewis Mumford

Lewis Mumford | Wikipedia
Lewis Mumford (1895-1990) —
In his early writings on urban life, Mumford was optimistic about human abilities and wrote that the human race would use electricity and mass communication to build a better world for all humankind. Mumford would later take a more pessimistic stance on the sweeping technological improvements brought by this second industrial revolution.

The Myth of the Machine | Wikipedia

Ivan Illich

Ivan Illich | Wikipedia
Ivan Illich (1926-2002) —
Philosopher, Roman Catholic priest and theologian
His lifework's leading thesis is that Western modernity, perverting Christianity, corrupts Western Christianity.

R.S. Thomas

R. S. Thomas | Wikipedia

POETRY: Once by R. S. Thomas
"We went forth to meet the Machine."
Poetry for Building Community...
"Never mind the machine,
Whose fuel is human souls."

Edward Curtin

The End of Reality
Back in the 1920s and 1930s there was an art movement known as Futurism.  Its leader proponent was an Italian Fascist, friend of Mussolini, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti.  The futurists claimed that all life revolves around the machine, that the machine was god, that it was beyond human control and had to be obeyed.  They extolled war and speed and claimed that humans were no more significant than stones.  Patriotism, militarism, strength, method, and the kingdom of experts were their blueprint for a corporate fascist state.  The human eye and mind would be re-educated to automatically obey the machine’s dictates.
Now we have cyberspace, digital machines, and the internet, an exponential extension of the machine world of the 1930s and the rise of Mussolini, Fascism, and Hitler.  That this online world is being pushed as the new and future normal by trans-national elite forces should not be surprising.  If human communication becomes primarily digitally controlled on-line and on screens, those who control the machines will have achieved the most powerful means of mind control ever invented. That will be MKULTRA on a vast scale.  Surveillance will be complete.

Paul Kingsnorth

SeePaul Kingsnorth

The Monthly Salon: September
[N]umber-crunching economist type Peter Zeihan explains why he thinks everything is about to come crashing down....
[I]t’s very much an economist’s worldview, which means it is hemmed in by the usual limitations. It’s possible that what constitutes a good human life may amount to more than growth in material wealth, but you won’t come across that notion here. It’s a machinist’s analysis of the failures of the Machine.

The Nation and the Grid
The latest incarnation of The Machine is The Grid, which began as electrical, but with advent of computers and The Net, has become Panopticon. The Grid is nothing more than the modern, scientific, technological equivalent of the Renaissance Parterre — an explicitly mathematical, geometrical, mechanical, technical icon of human power over nature (precisely the original intention of Parterre expression), the human jackboot on the face of God, of whom Creation is an icon. The Grid is not a Christian material-spiritual sacred icon, but rather an anti-christian materialistic anti-icon, Panopticon that's now always watching, but always empty, the best possible representation there is of an anti-icon.

Square away what you think you know about the parterre garden style inspired by 15th-century France
"After all, the point of the parterre is to show off. ..."

Parterre gardens at the Palace of Versailles about 12 miles west of Paris — forerunner of Western (delusional) "real" estate development