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You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.
— Augustin of Hippo, Confessions

Addiction is any behavior that gives temporary relief or pleasure, but in the long term causes harm, has some negative consequences and can’t be given up, despite those negative consequences; an attempt to overcome pain rooted in emptiness inside (restless heart) with something material from the outside, a dependence on materialistic sensuality for happiness and ease of suffering (passion).

Power Is an Addictive Drug

Impulsivity, Addiction, And The Passions — Hieromonk Alexis

Addiction | Wikipedia
Addictive personality | Wikipedia
Addiction psychology | Wikipedia

What Is Addiction?

Healing Ourselves and Healing the World: Consumerism and the Culture of Addiction

SeeConsumerism, Desire, Maximus the Confessor, Politics, Economy


SeeLegalism (Addiction to Moralism, to Law), Protestantism


Addicted to Pleasure - BBC One

Addicted to Pleasure - BBC | YouTube
— “Hollywood actor Brian Cox embarks on a thought-provoking journey to uncover how Britain's commercial exploitation of sugar, opium, tobacco and alcohol hooked the rest of the world on an appetite for a good time.
Revealing the rich and controversial past of these addictive commodities, Brian shows how their trade and refinement not only helped give birth to the modern consumer economy, but redefined the world's relationship to health, diet and the pursuit of pleasure.”

Pleasure | Wikipedia
Pain and pleasure | Wikipedia
Dopamine fasting | Wikipedia
Dopamine | Wikipedia
Reward system | Wikipedia
Brain stimulation reward | Wikipedia
Motivational salience | Wikipedia
Recreational drug use | Wikipedia

Too much pleasure can lead to addiction. How to break the cycle and find balance
Dopamine and Addiction: Separating Myths and Facts
Can You Be Addicted to Dopamine?




Megalomania | Wikipedia
Money and Work Addiction


Megalomania | Wikipedia

The Power of Addiction and the Addiction to Power
Power Is an Addictive Drug
Making the Case for ‘Power Abuse Disorder' as a Nosologic Entity


Substance dependence | Wikipedia
Substance abuse | Wikipedia

Is Sugar More Addictive Than Cocaine
Study: Sugar hidden in junk food eight times more addictive than cocaine
Sugar Addiction: More Serious Than You Think

Alcoholism | Wikipedia


Problem gambling | Wikipedia


Sexual addiction | Wikpedia
Pornography addiction | Wikipedia


Exercise addiction | Wikpedia
Exercise Addiction: Compulsive Exercise Warning Signs

Bigorexia: When bodybuilding becomes an addiction
Recognizing the Signs of Bodybuilding Addiction

Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery Addiction - Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Can You Be Addicted to Plastic Surgery?
When Plastic Surgery Becomes an Addiction


Food addiction | Wikipedia
Food Addiction: Causes, Symptoms, Signs & Treatment Help

Digital Technology

Internet addiction disorder | Wikipedia
5 Types Of Internet Addiction


Shopping addiction | Wikipedia
Shopaholic | Wikipedia

It’s Not a Shopping Addiction If I Can Afford It…Right?
Addicted To Shopping: 7 Signs You May Have A Problem
Shopping Addiction