HEGE Series
Sexual deviancy destroys the prophetic revelation of God as only true Lover of Mankind, destroys the icon (image) of Divine redemption of humanity from corruption (lack of comm-union with God), disease, death, decay, and eternal separation from the Love of God.
See — Bridegroom Services of Great and Holy Week
Gender as Prophecy and Revelation
— “The dividing of humanity into two genders has a prophetic intent. This realization that gender is connected to prophecy and revelation has been lost largely because man, in his arrogance, began to relate the respective roles of men and women to relative value. When “role” was identified with “value” humanity was degraded, women were reduced to serfdom and the whole mystery and meaning of human gender and marriage was lost....
Marriage, according to the Apostle [Paul], is a type of Christ and the Church. It is intended to instruct us, not by means of abstract concepts or in books or words, but in an actual living experience, about Christ and the Church, and our whole relationship with God. Inasmuch as we see that neither man alone nor woman alone bears a complete prophecy, for the man cannot bear fruit alone, nor can the woman, it is clear that the revelation of our salvation includes both Christ (who is revealed through the male prophets) and the Church (which is revealed through the female prophets), and that Christ saves us through the Church....
Neither the Old Covenant nor the New Testament were “legal agreements,” rather they were spousal relationships. This was the great error into which the Old Israel fell [and Reformed Protestantism], and which the prophets warned them about. Israel did not recognize and receive the Christ because He came to her as a heavenly bridegroom seeking his bride. Israel, conceiving the covenant as a “legal contract,” anticipated a stern earthly ruler, come to enforce a violated treaty and establish his will by military and political means. It is for this same reason that Western Christianity fell into an idolatrous concept of atonement....
Clearly, the man is a revelation of Christ and the woman is a revelation about the Church....Human gender and the spousal relationship are prophetic, and were given to us by God in the very beginning as a form of revelation. This is the essence of the mystery of human gender and of the roles of men and women in life and in the Church....
The image [icon] of a faithful and loving husband and wife living together chastely, is an image and revelation about our redemption....
In the resurrection, they are neither married nor given in marriage (Mt.22:30). There is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus (Gal.3:28)...
It is not without reason that Christ says that the gender relation between men and women will not exist in the resurrection, and Paul instructs us that in the Kingdom, there is no longer the distinction of “male” and “female.” If human gender is given for prophecy, then when all prophecy has been fulfilled, there is no longer a need for prophets nor for the means of prophecy. When Christ and the Church have been visibly united, when all is clear and manifest, then the prophetic role of human gender will have been fulfilled and will pass away....
As St John Chrysostom says: “As woman was formed out of the side of Adam as he slept, so the Church was fashioned out of the side of Christ as He died.” “For Christ was lifted up on the cross, and one of the soldiers pierced his side, and blood and water came forth; and of that blood and water, the whole Church was formed.” The saint continues saying that we are re-born through the water of Baptism and nourished through the Blood of Holy Communion.”
The Mystery and Meaning of Love, Marriage and Gender
Strange New World: How Thinkers and Activists Redefined Identity and Sparked the Sexual Revolution
Will Knowland
Knowland Knows | Substack
20 Tips for Men in their Twenties
Fight Club: A Crusade without The Cross
Knowland Knows | YouTube Channel
The Patriarchy Paradox | YouTube
Criticism — Kate Maltby
About Me
The sacking of Eton teacher Will Knowland is about misogyny, not freedom of speech
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Edward Feser
Masculinity and the Marvel Movies
Doris Lessing
Lay off men, Lessing tells feminists
D. H. Lawrence | Wikipedia
Henry Miller | Wikipedia
Kinsey: Crimes & Consequences |
Pornographic Books Found in Texas School Libraries Result in Bipartisan Action to Remove Them
Homosexuality in Greece and Rome: A Sourcebook of Basic Documents | Amazon
Greek Homosexuality | Amazon
Roman Homosexuality | Amazon
Regenerative Therapy Association — Pioneered by Dr. Joseph Nicolosi
About Reintegrative Therapy®
‘Sexual-conversion’ bans disregard free speech and LGBT patients’ choices
The Best of Joseph Nicolosi: Collected Articles by the Originator of Reparative Therapy | Amazon
Case Stories of Reparative Therapy | Amazon
Issues Around Transgender and Reparative Therapy. The Work and Life of Dr. Joseph Nicolosi Sr.
Joseph Nicolosi on the Deep Need for Fatherly Affirmation
Joseph Nicolosi: The Man Who Would Heal All the Wounded Boys
— “The belief of the sexual left is that anyone who does not want same-sex attraction or does not want any longer to participate in sodomitical sexual practices has internalized “homophobia.” He is a self-hater, a self-hate caught like an infection from the gay-hatred awash in the wider society. Any proper therapy and therapist would help him do away with this internalized homophobia, to get fine with kissing other men and with the sodomy that inevitably comes with it. They are especially incensed that a young man under the age of majority would consider that sodomy is not what he wants from his life.
Nicolosi had another view. He did not so much seek to cure homosexuality but to fix the brokenness in childhood that led almost inexorably to homosexuality. Fix the brokenness and sexual health follows.
Nicolosi never argued that anyone could change against their will. No one could be forced to change. Only someone highly motivated to change could ever possibly change. Even then, Nicolosi said no more than 30 percent could completely change. Another 30 percent would still feel the pull but would be able to resist. The rest would not change at all.
Big Gay gained an upper hand in this debate when homosexuality was taken out of the diagnostic manual of the psychiatric and psychological guild. If there’s nothing wrong with it, then who are you to try and help someone who doesn’t want it?
But Nicolosi and other professionals like him kept going, under great pressure, working one on one with countless men who no longer wanted to live that lifestyle....”
Joseph Nicolosi speaks to Mike Davidson
Joseph Nicolosi Sr. the creator of Reparative Therapy — the Condition of Male Homosexuality
The Scenario Preceding Homosexual Enactment
Homosexuals Can Change
— But only if desired, desire being the operative word.
If too deeply “identified” with homosexuality, there may be no desire, or the desire may not be sufficient for change.
See — Identity
Michael Knowles Interviews Joseph Nicolosi Jr. about Reintegrative Therapy
— “This is the interview that later cost Knowles his show sponsor, Harry's Razors, and caused the Daily Wire to begin their own razor company.”
Joseph Nicolosi Jr. discusses Amazon book ban of his father's classic books
Reintegrative Therapy Heals Same-Sex Trauma — Dr. Joseph Nicolosi on The Dr J Show
Exploring opposite sex attractions with Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, Jr.
Our Duty — an international support network for parents who wish to protect their children from gender ideology
The Bark Phone — a phone with no internet access to protect children
The Daily Signal
— “We believe that high-quality, credible news reporting on political and policy issues is of paramount importance to an informed and free society. The Daily Signal delivers investigative and feature reporting and the most important political news and commentary. The team is committed to truth and unmatched in knowledge of Washington’s politics and policy debates. We tell these stories in formats that respect your time and intelligence.”
LA Dodgers Remove ‘Anti-Catholic Hate Group’ From ‘Pride Night’ After Public Backlash
The Daily Signal | YouTube Channel
Mom Explains What It Took to Rescue Daughter From Transgenderism | YouTube
Former Trans Kid Chloe Cole on Why She Left Transgenderism | YouTube
Teenage Detransitioner Wants to Warn You | YouTube
A Father’s Fight Against Transgender Activism | YouTube
Former Transgender Woman Tears Apart Lies of LGBT Activists | YouTube
Jordan B Peterson Clips | YouTube Channel
The Monster Behind Gender Theory, and the Atrocious Lie He Based It On | YouTube
Jordan B Peterson | YouTube Channel
Detransition: The Wounds That Won't Heal | Chloe Cole | YouTube
Regrets of a Trans-Care Specialist | Sara Stockton | YouTube
Gender Transformation: The Untold Realities
— “It's a 1.5 billion dollar industry for surgery alone. It's a political agenda being worked out. Kids are sort of a test subject.”
Gender Transformation: The Untold Realities | A Documentary Every Parent Needs to Watch
APC Advocates Protecting Children
— Important!- Schools & Children: Caught in the Transgender Industry's Web | YouTube
GETA Gender Exploratory Therapy Association
— “We are here because those who are exploring gender identity or struggling with their biological sex should have access to therapists who will provide thoughtful care without pushing an ideological or political agenda.”
PEC Partners for Ethical Care
Transgender Trend
— The Tavistock’s Experimentation with Puberty Blockers
— Tavistock Institute | Wikipedia
SEGM Society for Evidence Based Gender Medicine
Sex Matters
The Truthful Therapist Therapy without indoctrination
Sex Change Regret
Jennifer Bilek
The 11th Hour — Jennifer Bilek's blog
“If you're going to look for anything in this country, you're going to follow the MONEY, because it will always tell you the TRUTH.”
“This is the most important question [about the transgender industry]: Why are they all doing this?”
— Jennifer Bilek, Investigative Writer
Big Pharma, Big Tech & Synthetic Sex Identities | YouTube
—“Humans are connected to the biosphere by sex. The deconstruction of sex in language and law and the manipulation of young people's sex characteristics seem to pave the way for further encroachments into our biology and our more complete melding with technology. Synthetic sexes work as a grooming process for the public to accept more violations of our physical boundaries while also providing young healthy resilient bodies to experiment on.
Putting these developments into the context of unfettered corporatism, an economic system that pursues profit like a heat-seeking missile that is destroying the planet, treating our home like a bottomless well of resources to feed itself. It appears that humanity is next in line for colonization. Our technologies, suited to this market, have created glorious cathedrals of civilization, but the planet's coral reefs are disappearing and there are texas-sized islands of plastic in the oceans that we don't know what to do with.
We have obliterated and tortured so many other species to grow our magnificent technologies and the radioactive waste at fukushima is still growing. Our planet's water has been poisoned and sold back to us in plastic bottles that wind up as gyres in the ocean. We have extraordinary towers of learning that are teaching the next generation that allowing this system to devour them too is the zenith of freedom.
The market has finally come for humans dressed up as gender expression with its eye on our genetic codes. Gender ideology opens the door; the market is standing there dressed to the nines and we're inviting it in for a full course meal. It will probably be our last unless we can understand what we're looking at and use whatever free will we have left to organize and resist synthetic sex identities institutionally, legally and politically.”
Who is Behind the TRANS AGENDA? | YouTube
The Powerful Men Behind Puberty Blockers | YouTube
Jennifer Bilek: "It's not a human rights movement; it's an industry." | YouTube
The body industry
Who Are the Rich, White Men Institutionalizing Transgender Ideology?
The Billionaire Family Pushing Synthetic Sex Identities (SSI)
— The wealthy, powerful, and sometimes very weird Pritzker cousins have set their sights on a new God-like goal: using gender ideology to remake human biology
Humanity for Sale: The gender industry is corporate grooming for transhumanism Mar 02, 2023
Is humanity ready for LGBTQ+ tech babies and the full erasure of women from reproduction? Jun 11, 2023
— “Most liberals fighting for gay rights since the sexual revolution, myself included, had no idea of the Pandora’s box they were opening. Some elite and powerful gay men today, no longer the social outcasts they were in the 50s, are spearheading a movement, along with rich transsexual men, to create babies from scratch..... “Gay men want marriage and family equality.” The only way for gay men to have family equality with heterosexuals is to generate the ability to have their own biological children within the institution of marriage. Gay marriage has already been secured within the US, and the powerful LGB, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that came up to secure it are now set upon deconstructing sexual dimorphism, which we see taking place in many societies with the introduction of gender ideology, under the banner of LGBT human rights. LGBT NGOs and the rich gay and transsexual, philanthropist men, funding them, are rearranging the organization of society around our species' dimorphic sex. Women are being erased in language and law, and a usurpation of our reproduction capacities is well under way.... Along with this engineering of human reproduction, comes the changing of what we understand ourselves to be, a sexually dimorphic species. We are on a trajectory toward post humanism.... While most of society is still reeling from the shock that men are being allowed into women’s safe spaces and sports, and who are equally as fascinated with people who’ve appropriated the physical characteristics of the opposite sex, they remain in the dark about what is happening under pretense of human rights.... Americans, ensconced in the media echo chamber created by Big Pharma and Big Tech propaganda, are still caught up in the corporate hype about a marginalized group of people with body dysmorphia needing society to be overhauled so they can feel safe. The political right in America screams that the political left has engineered the destructive gender industry, putting women and children at risk. They have set themselves up as lone saviors, while ignoring decades of work by feminists to root out this industry and it’s assault on women. The political left screams that the political right wants to control women’s bodies and reproductive rights with abortion laws. The right and the left are both correct: They both [left and right] want control of women’s reproductive capacities.”
Jennifer Bilek | Uncommon Ground
— focused on exploring new ideas, critiquing old ones and bringing unique perspectives to the foreground
Martine Rothblatt: A Founding Father of the Transgender Empire Jul 06, 2020
— “Martine Rothblatt [transgender man to woman], CEO of United Therapies and former CEO of SiriusXM, is the highest paid CEO in the country”
The Stryker Corporation and the Arcus Foundation: Billionaires Behind The New ‘LGBT’ Movement Jun 6, 2020
— “Billionaire ‘philanthropists’ have been driving the change from LGB to LBGT. The Stryker Corporation and their Arcus Foundation is just one example.”
The ‘DARVO’ Tactics of the Men’s Rights Activism Behind Transgenderism May 30, 2020
Why is Your Fetish Our Business? Techno-Capitalism May 13, 2020
Techno-Capitalism, Transgenderism and the Colonization of Female Biology May 8, 2020
Deconstructing the “Good Transwomen” May 6, 2020
Beth Brooke-Marciniak: Promoting “Inclusivity” at the Expense of Women’s Rights April 17, 2020