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Anthropology of Antichristianity: The Age of Desire (Part 6)
Addiction, Humanity, Human Body, Pinocchio, Identity
Economy, Industrialism, Capitalism, Consumerism, Propaganda, Advertising, Public Relations

What do you want meaning for? Life is desire, not meaning!
— Charlie Chaplin

You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.
— Augustin of Hippo, Confessions

Zeal that desires to uproot all evil is in fact the very worst evil.
— St. Joseph of Optina (1837-†1911)

No, I most certainly do not think advertising people are wonderful. I think they are horrible, and the worst menace to mankind, next to war; perhaps ahead of war. They stand for the material viewpoint, for the importance of possessions, of desire, of envy, of greed. And war comes from these things.
— Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings (1896-1953)

Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity: An Essay on Desire, Practical Reasoning, and Narrative

Jordan Peterson: ‘The pursuit of happiness is a pointless goal’
The Pursuit of Happiness

Willpower and desires: Turning up the volume on what you want most | Society for Personality and Social Psychology

The Crucible

The Crucible (1996 film) | Wikipedia — Trailer
“What some hearts desire, they must possess. What they cannot possess, they must destroy....
In a world ruled by fear, all it takes to be condemned is to be accused.”
SeeHollywood Blacklist

Ron Jones

SeeRon Jones

William Leach


Land of Desire: Merchants, Power, and the Rise of a New American Culture | Wikipedia
— “This monumental work of cultural history [by William Leach, Professor Emeritus of History, Columbia University] was nominated for a National Book Award.
It chronicles America's transformation, beginning in 1880 [during The Gilded Age], into a nation of consumers, devoted to a cult of comfort, bodily well-being, and endless acquisition.”

Power to the People? William Leach’s Land of Desire and Problems in Gilded Age Historiography
Land of Desire — Kevin C. Murphy oral reading notes


A Modernist Trait in ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’: Happy Endings are Overrated
Naturalists—or realists [or modernists]—focused on generating characters that behaved in accordance to their animal impulses, or “natural desires.”

FILM COMMENT : Aggravating Assaults : Forty-five years after ‘Streetcar Named Desire’ dared to depict rape, too many filmmakers exploit it as a dramatic device.

Wilhelm Hofmann

The Psychology of Desire

Modern life is a welter of assorted desires, marked by frequent conflict and resistance, the latter with uneven success.
— Wilhelm Hofmann

Social Psychology Network - Wilhelm Hofmann media contact
My main research interests concern the self-regulation of thoughts, feelings, and behavior both in the lab and in the field. Specifically, I am interested in understanding when and why people act impulsively or reflectively in domains such as eating and drinking, consumer choice, sexual interest behavior, anger expression, or interracial interaction.

Neel Burton

Heaven and Hell: The Psychology of the Emotions
It has forever been said that we are ruled by our emotions, but this today is truer than ever. Much more than reason or tradition, it is our emotions that determine our choice of profession, partner, and politics, and our relation to money, sex, and religion. Nothing can make us feel more alive, or more human, than our emotions, or hurt us more. Yet, the emotions are utterly neglected by our system of education, leading to millions of mis-lived lives.
— Publisher's Weekly

What's the Difference Between an Emotion and a Desire?
Just as the formal object of belief is truth, so the formal object of emotion is evaluation: beliefs aim at truth, emotions at evaluation.
Just like beliefs, emotions aim at being justified, that is, at according with reality. In particular, they aim at reflecting the significance or meaning of their object for the subject.
Desires on the other hand aim at altering reality so that it comes to accord with them. Thus, whereas emotions (and beliefs) have a mind-to-world direction of fit, desires have an opposite world-to-mind direction of fit: emotions aim at reflecting reality, desires at altering it.

Renee Girard

The mimetic desire
Desire and the Politics of Anti-culture: René Girard and Philip Rieff on the Mystique of Transgression

Desire, Sex, & Prosperity (Money)

Sexual Appetite in Historical Christianity

The Hook Model: How to Manufacture Desire in 4 Steps
Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products

The Case Against the Sexual Revolution

Sex is the only mysticism materialism offers, and so to sex the pursuers of happiness address themselves with an avidity and dedication seldom, if ever, surpassed.
— Malcolm Muggeridge

Porn: a multibillion-dollar industry that renders all authentic desire plastic
When I attended the expo [Adult Entertainment Expo, Las Vegas Jan 2011], from sitting in the business seminars it quickly became clear that what excites these guys (and it was overwhelmingly men) is not sex, but money.

Vanity of Modern Desire

1. That which is vain, futile, or worthless; that which is of no [Real] value, use or profit.
2. Excessive pride in or admiration of one's own abilities, appearance or achievements.

Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.
— Deuteronomy 8:3, Matthew 4:4
What does it mean that man shall not live by bread alone (Deuteronomy 8:3)? understood in the context of Israel’s desert wandering experience. After years of living as wilderness sojourners, the people prepared to settle down in their own land [that God gave over to them]. God addressed them through Moses in the opening chapters of the book of Deuteronomy. In the first six chapters, the Lord reminded His people of everything He had done to care for them in the past. Then He began to warn the Israelites of potential dangers in their future. In chapter 8, God focused on prosperity as a severe threat that could lull them into a sense of self-satisfaction. Israel was never to forget the forty years of God’s care in the desert when Yahweh alone had provided food to eat, clothing to wear, and sandals that never wore thin. In their new and prosperous state in the “land flowing with milk and honey” (Exodus 3:8; Numbers 14:8; Deuteronomy 31:20; Ezekiel 20:15), they might begin to feel self-satisfied, as if somehow they had obtained all these blessings in their own strength. Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. — Psalm 24:8 As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. — Psalm 42:1 For He has satisfied the thirsty soul, And the hungry soul He has filled with what is good. — Psalm 107:9 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. — Matthew 5:6 Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again; but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life. — John 4:13-14 I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall not hunger, and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.‭ — John 6:35 If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. — John 7:37 They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; — Revelation 7:16 And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost. — Revelation 22:17 Ecclesiastes: The Inspired Book of Error | Ray C. Stedman Ecclesiastes views God as men in general view God -- as a not very vital concern of life, sort of a high-calorie dessert which you can take or leave. There is no understanding of God as a vital, living Lord, an authority in life with whom one can have a personal relationship.
Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher, vanity of vanities! All is vanity. What does man gain by all the toil at which he toils under the sun? A generation goes, and a generation comes, but the earth remains forever. — Ecclesiastes 1:2-4 Michael Sandel: 'The populist backlash has been a revolt against the tyranny of merit' To those who, like many of his Harvard students, believe that they are simply the deserving recipients of their own success, Sandel offers the wisdom of Ecclesiastes: “I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding… but time and chance happeneth to them all.”
Turn! Turn! Turn! — The Byrds
Turn! Turn! Turn! | Wikipedia Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is A Season) | The Byrds 1965 — Lyrics The lyrics – except for the title, which is repeated throughout the song, and the final two lines – consist of the first eight verses of the third chapter of the biblical Book of Ecclesiastes.
Hunger and Thirst — Susan Ashton
Hunger And Thirst | Susan Ashton — Lyrics If I hunger and thirst for anything but You I hunger and thirst in vain
(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction — The Rolling Stones
(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction | Wikipedia (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction | The Rolling Stones 1965 — Lyrics When I'm drivin' in my car, And the man comes on the radio He's tellin' me more and more, About some useless information Supposed to fire my imagination I can't get no, Oh, no, no, no, Hey, hey, hey, That's what I say I can't get no satisfaction, I can't get no satisfaction
As The Deer — Maranatha Singers
As The Deer | Maranatha Singers — Lyrics I want You more than gold or silver Only You can satisfy You alone are the real joy giver And the apple of my eye
Kama Yashtaqu — Marie Keyrouz
Syriac chant | Wikipedia Kama Yashtaqu (As The Deer Longs) — Psalm 42 | Marie Keyrouz Kama Yashtaqu al Aylo Ela Mejar al Meyaah As the deer longs For the stream of water Hakaza Nafsi Tashtaq, Elayka Ya Rab So my soul longs, for you O Lord . . .
Rich Men Have Turned Poor
Byzantine chant | Wikipedia Rich Men Have Turned PoorPsalm 34 Οι πλούσιοι έχουν γίνει φτωχοί Rich men have turned poor and gone hungry But they that seek the Lord shall not be deprived Of any good thing

End of History

Antichrist: The Fulfillment of Globalization: The Ancient Church and the End of History
For twenty centuries, the Church has forewarned her children of the end of history, when the world will be united by a great deception, of a time when mankind will follow a world leader of unprecedented powers and charisma, a man of apparent superhuman abilities who will fulfill all of the world’s most profound, but misguided, hopes and desires: it will be the reign of Antichrist, the fulfillment of globalization.

SeeTotalitarianism, The Thing, The Machine, The System, The Phenomenon, The Beast